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I woke up the sound of giggling and whispering. I didn't open my eyes yet, I decided to listen to the whispers.

"look at them, they're so adorable!"

"they look so cute"

"look at how protective he is over her, he's holding her so tight"

"they look so peaceful"

I felt Leondres head on mine so he must've fell asleep too, his arms are tight around my waist. he's so warm and smells so good, I didn't want to move.

the whispers and giggles were still continuing and then i heard a click followed by flash. they're taking pictures of us.

I slowly started to stir slightly and Leondre's grip tightened around me.

"aw, look at that!"

I couldn't work out who was saying what.

i opened my eyes lazily. the beaming light burned my eyes as they adjusted.

the whispers have came from Harvey, Charlie, Joey and Blair.

"THE PRINCESS HAS AWOKEN" I flinched at Charlie shouting as Leondre swiftly shot up from his sleep.

"charliiieeeeeeee" leondre sighed as he became aware of his surroundings.

"what time is it?" I questioned as I sat up rubbing my eyes. Leondre put his arms around me and pulled me back onto to him again.

"it's 10am" answered Blair. "want some breakfast?"

"no, thank you" I answered.


"yeah, the usual please" Leondre yawned.

"ok, it'll be ready soon" and Blair strolled off to the kitchen.

"I see you fell asleep then?" I chuckled sitting up and looking at him.

"I was just resting my eyes"

"sure you were" I just smiled at him and rested my head on his shoulder again and he put his head on mine.

I noticed the other boys were still in the room "what are you all doing today?"

"well Leondre and I are free today, Harvey is doing something with 'Friday download' and the overload boys have a gig tonight so they're just rehearsing today"

"BOYS BREAKFAST!" Blair screeched through the house.

everyone shot up and sprinted to the kitchen, all except Leondre.

"c'mon princess" he lifted me up and ran to the kitchen

"Leondre put me down!" I tried to sound angry but couldn't help but smile and laugh as I held on tight around his neck. once we got to the kitchen he sat down with me on his lap and softly kissed my cheek as I smiled. then ryan came into the room.



we ran towards each other with our arms open as everyone laughed watching us. I'm close to all of the boys, but ryan is who I'm closest to. he spun me around then set me down.

"off you go back to Leondre now before he gets jealous" Ryan winked at Leondre as he pushed me back towards Leondre slightly and went to get his breakfast.

"she's mine Ryan" Leondre joked about with Ryan. "come here baby, before he steals you forever!"

"ok boys hurry up and get ready. Charlie you're going out with Dan today to get some food shopping and drop Harvey off at the studio. overload boys you're coming with me to rehearsals. Leondre and y/n, you can do whatever. dan and Charlie will only be a few hours so you can stay here until they come back if you want?"

"yeah, we'll just watch movies all day anyway"

"as long as you promise behave yourselves"

"What do you mean 'behave'?" Leondre smirked slightly.

"Leondre!" I smacked his head lightly laughing. We both looked at Blair who was giving us a stern look, but he was clearly trying not to laugh at Leondres face when he was hit.

"we promise" we said in sync then looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"ok. don't wreck the place and boys go get ready to leave in an hour."

Leondre DevriesWhere stories live. Discover now