Chapter Nine: Forbidden Fruit

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That December holiday of 2014 was just a twist. Remember Sylvia Munda? Of course you do. Before finishing the exams, I found out that I was studying with her cousin for the past four years; Lewis Wachisi. There was a day we were talking with Brian Wechuli about Sylvia and he heard us talking. He was so surprised that we knew her and he told me stories about her later on. He told me Sylvia was at Alliance girls. I told him that I was so close to her and he needed to give me her contacts when we get home. That is what happened exactly. Lewis got home and send me a phone number. I didn't know what to say to her when she picks up the call. I was coming from Stephanie's place when I decided to ring Sylvia. I was all alone by the road side. You've been in villages? Literally no one watching and I was sitting under that tree which had its shade spread over. That was like at the corner of our home; like corner of the fence.

It was a very daring call to make. The phone was ringing and I was holding my breath. I just wanted to hear her voice and ask her if she remembered me. I was so sure she could not since it was close to six years since we met. Her mum picked up the phone and she was so nice and friendly.

"Bado hajatoka shule, akifika atakupigia." That is what she said after I asked if Syl was around. We had just finished exams and so Sylvia needed to travel from Nairobi I suppose. I waited for at least a week and I guess her mum had forgotten. So I called again and this time round the girl was around. I was so happy when she picked her phone and her first words changed me, forever.

"Hey Eugene! I love you. How have you been?" Those were her first words after I introduced myself.

Have you ever been confused in your life? I wanted to just get into that phone and go wherever she was and do whatever my mind was telling me to but I could not. That was the first conversation we had after six years and how it picked up. Your boy here was confused. You should have heard her voice. I don't want to complicate the story but she just had the best voices over the phone; well, she still does. I fell in love again with Sylvia. This was the time memes about hearts being like memory cards would have hit me really hard. I was still seeing Stephanie, I was planning to hit up on Violet and now Sylvia was here. I didn't even say a word and she was in love. I remembered about her in primary school and all. Was she really in love with me? A girl from Alliance Girls? Wow! I was feeling myself and I felt like the love master. We had conversations that were literally way ahead of us with Sylvia that I have never had with someone else in my life. Wait, this story will come in part two of the book. It's big and if this story is fun to you, you'll love to read that too; though part two is a little bit sad and all, you know, coz we were mature or rather grown-ups.


Stephanie used to come to our place every now and then. My friends told me that she needed to be shown love. Wasn't I showing her love? I mean, we were kissing and I was funny around her with stories and all. It's like that was not enough and I needed to add more. This time she came at our home. My mother already knew about her and she kept telling me to be careful lest I do something stupid. I was always running away from home at around 7PM to meet her at their place. We had just built a shop that was closer to the road but still in our compound. The shop was still not occupied I guess and I moved my lion there. When Stephanie asked if she could come, I went and cleaned that place and made sure everything was well arranged. I had a music system whose speakers hung in the corners and the bass speaker was under the bed in a pot. I chose Westlife music list to create that mood for love and when she came, everything was just perfect. I had spread the bed and the music was smooth and nice. My mum was not around that day. I don't know if Sepherine, my sister, saw Stephanie coming but she never asked. She got in the lion and I showed her the bed since that was in the control room; you get, right? We were there listening to music and she loved the mood and was carried away. She was having this long dress that was fitting well; you know, village-type fitting. No chance of miscalculation could take that cloth off. I had never slept with a girl before and my small mind asked me; why not? She is my girl and all and we have exhausted word. What if we add some actions in it? She was also a virgin (I can confirm that) and so we were having quite a difficult time doing what is supposed to be done. I was just done with high school and I didn't know these things. You should have heard me explain to my friends at school how I had girls lining up to my lion. Guys literally envied me for that and they thought I was a pro in that. I wish they knew. I was so good at narrating stories. Oh! I remember, Dj Afro. I loved that guy so much, he spoilt me. Yes, I know you think I was retarded to watch him but you did too, didn't you? We always watched him.

We were not moving and the bed was becoming smaller. I was trying to reach for her. I touched her hand and my whole body rose. I moved closer and put my hand behind her back. Music went off and I could not stand up to check what was wrong coz my friend was at attention. I couldn't stand up. It's weird how these days I can just walk around at attention before someone and feel like it's okay! I could not hide him anymore and Stephanie saw him. She freaked out. Why is your cloth lifting itself? I think she wanted to ask that but brushed it off. I was so keen not to scare her, but I was equally scared. You know, if you are with someone who is scared, at least act like you have it under control. I looked her in the face and she couldn't take in any more. She wanted to kiss me so bad and she did. Hey guys, I don't intend to write everything that happened that day coz that was the first day and yes, you're guessing right; nothing happened. My guy could not find his way and I was already tired. I was sweating profusely and she was just looking at me, naked and crying. I don't know why she was crying but I was not done and it just had started. To cut the long story, she went home and came back the next day. I didn't do rehearsals or anything. I just waited for her and this time round I was sure. So yeah, my guys, hallelujah, it was a war but who is God. Victory. She cried like a baby but then what? I was there waiting for her to relax her muscles again and give her another dosage. Sorry, that is quite an insensitive language to use in a writing but then we are all quarantined and what will you do anyway. Come on, don't fear that much, I won't give more details.

So yeah, that is what happened that December and Stephanie was never over it. I don't know if we ever had such a time again but that is what I remember. So yeah, she was the first girl. We were still talking with Sylvia and she was making good progress to my heart. I always lied to her that I was not seeing someone. Sorry. But I told her through jokes about Stephanie so we're even. Days passed and we became so close with Sylvia through the conversations. You have ever talked to someone for the whole day and still have something to talk about? That was us.

Back to Stephanie. She was now so much over herself and she realized that she was cute and all and that she could get someone else. She started seeing some other guy I guess from Lurende. Just across river Chwele on the other side of our home. I was bored and all and I started being unavailable. She didn't look like she was caring too and so someday I confronted her and she denied all those and said I was just being petty. So I became petty and I started looking for her replacement; Violet; the Queen.

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