Afterlife In Heaven

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I took the hammer beside the alarm clock and smashed it.

Ah, another boring day I thought. I got up from bed, combed my hair, and headed downstairs. My parents were already sitting there.

"Good morning, Virgo." My mom said.

"Mhm" I said, trying to speak while devouring the food.

"You've got more work to do. Your Math tutor is coming, so get your books." My dad said, with a slight smirk on his face. I groaned.

"When can I finally take a break for once?!?!" I complained.

"Hmmm.... tomorrow."

I groaned again.

Since I wasn't born in the human world, I have to learn things about it ( she learns the things you learn at school.)

After finishing with Math, I asked my parents if I could go on a walk outside the castle.

Since my parents didn't trust me going on my own, so they sent Pisces with me.

But I'm glad that they said yes. It was the first time I ever left the castle. My parents were usually worried about me going by myself because I may go off to far places or Hell.

Pisces's  POV

After leaving the castle, I asked Virgo,"So, where are we going to?"

She didn't respond. After a few minutes, we reached the forest.

"Aren't we not supposed to go here?" I asked her again.

We walked further into the forest, and then stopped upon seeing dead trees.

"Princess, we need to stop here. If we walk further, it would lead to Hell. And your parents would be furious if they find out." I tapped on her shoulder.

She turned around and asked me, "Are there demons guarding the fence there?"

I shook my head.

Virgo looked at me in the eyes and said firmly,"Pisces, whatever you do, don't tell my parents I went into Hell. Do you understand?"

I nodded. "But what if the demons catch you in Hell?"

Virgo took a black cloak off a tree, "Then I'll wear this and cover my face."

I sighed,"When are you coming back?"

She stayed quiet for a few minutes. "Just in 10 minutes. Just gonna see what it looks like in there. Thanks, Pi!"

"Don't call me Pi." I spat.

"Whatever, Pi!" Virgo covered her body with the black cloak and flew over the fence, where Hell was.

I sat down near the tree and sighed.

The princess is too irresponsible.

BTW I decided to change Virgo's appearance because I didn't really like it

See you on the next chapter ! ^w^

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