"Well you need that stupid school to enter the university. Besides, its already late." Awelewa laughed and rolled her eyes.

"No, I need the SSCE certificate of that stupid school to get into the university. And I'm sure I can get that elsewhere." Abasi shrugged and glanced at his watch.

"Its quite late though."

"Shey I told you?" Awelewa smirked and stood from her bed. She stretched her hand so Abasi could grab and stand as well. Unfortunately, Abasi hissed and pushed her hands away. He helped himself get up and picked his hung blazer from a pinned nail on the wall.

"My mom would sha kill me." He chuckled as he wore the clothing. 

"Yep!" Awelewa giggled. "She'd probably grind your bones to make her bread."

"Haha very funny." Abasi dryly commented and rolled his eyes.

They both stared at the other and suddenly, the room burst into an array of boisterous laughter. It all came to an end when Abasi wavered his hands to show that he was tired.

The atmosphere became quiet as Abasi moved closer. Awelewa did the same as she smiled sadly and bowed her head.

"You'll be fine Ewa. Okay?" Abasi assured as he gently pulled her closer for a hug.

"I don't know. How am I going to face school? How will I look at Deji knowing that he has a gang that is going after me?" Awelewa softly sniffed and pulled out from their hug.

"I'm right here okay? We'll face this together and I will always be by your side. Trust me."


"Okay cucumber." Awelewa quietly joked. Abasi chuckled and wiped the juvenile tears from flowing from her eyes.

"Alright then. I'll be going to that house. I took your notes from your locker and . You're welcome." Abasi tipped an imaginary hat from his head and took a bow.

And left.



Awelewa continously stared at the bulletin board a wall from her class.

The results from the Continuous Assessment were out and they were all in her favour.

Another round of As and Bs. Yay.

She sighed.

I deserve this, she thought.

But why dont I feel good?

The cloud of confusion had been hovering around her these past few weeks. She and Abasi had been secretly trying to find out who helped her to get home on that day. The both of them even swore to the other that they would always come home together after school.

Even at that, she had made sure to never cross paths with Deji either; who had surprisingly not spoken to her since then. He even avoided a few group tasks and classes just to stay away from her.

To teachers, he was just being lazy.

But Awelewa knew that wasn't the case.

At first it was quite a relief for Awelewa, to know that a threat was suddenly becoming the opposite. She began to feel a little more comfortable despite Laura's spiteful demeanor.

That is until the stares began.

Terrible faces he would make when he was in the same room with her. Just a very quick and short glance was enough to pass his message. Luckily, only Abasi would notice and call his attention; usually by saying something embarrassingly funny. The whole class-including Deji, would laugh and comment on Abasi's childish statement.


She lighted up as her best friend came to her memory. He and Nifemi were becoming very fond of the other. Infact, one would think that they were much more than friends.

Nahh. Christians dont date.


She waved the thought of it and shook her head. Abasi won't do that.
Nifemi didn't seem like she would either.

"Oh my goodness Awelewa! Your grades are jolly awesome!"

"I told you her brain is like fire!"

She turned and saw the two of them grinning and beaming.  When he got closer, Abasi immediately put his arms around her and playfully thumped her head with the finger attached to the hand on his other arm. She quickly shoved his hand and giggled while Nifemi watched with pure joy.

"Only you would be getting high scores in Chemistry ehn?"

"Abasi, 70 is not a high score in chem-"

"Abeg! Why did that man commend you in class if it wasn't? You sef." Abasi rolled his eyes as he squeezed her with his side hug.

"Awe, I think you should just enjoy the moment." Nifemi finally added and grinned.


"Abasi that man is our teacher ohh." Awelewa chuckled as she made air quotes when she mentioned 'man'.

"Well, that man is dead to me. I mean, who needs chemistry? Not me! His completely shaved head makes my day though."

His words coupled with his show of disgust and thoughtful thinking birthed an alarming yet satisfying laughter from Nifemi and Ewa.

Awelewa's eyes quickly glued to the board again.

Ode. And he got 65 oh!.

Ring ring ringgggggg!

The bell rang and the three of them simultaneously looked at the other.

The Prefectship giveaway was about to begin.


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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