Chapter 9

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She trotted as fast as she could and found herself at the entrance of the school clinic. She spotted Abasi, receiving a blood cleanse with a soaked cotton ball, given by the nurse.

To her happiness, almost all the injuries had been taken care of and Miss Rose just happened to finish the last one. Seeing Abasi pull a strong face amist the obvious pain he was going through made her extremely hurt. It also gave her the confidence to knock on the already opened door for their attention.

Once she did, Abasi first turned and gave a weak smile. With his other hand free of any bandages, he motioned her to sit on the chair close to his. Immmediately, Miss Rose tried stopping her but lost due to Abasi's knowing look. She reluctantly gave up and brought the chair closer.

"Don't make noise." She muttered while handling the chair. Awelewa nodded at once.

"Watermelon, where have you been?" Abasi asked while giving a wide grin.

Ahhh Abasi! She mentally gave herself a facepalm.

"Cucumber, I've been around." She chuckled.

"Cucumbers aren't thin, pawpaw. Around where sef?" He rolled his eyes.

"Are you serious? There aren't any thin fruits naa! Pawpaw isn't even a fat fruit johrr!"

"Emmm yes it is! Huge and succulent mango, haven't you heard of bananas, purple cucumbers, celery, spring onions, tatashe?"

"They're called eggplants or aubergine, not purple cucumbers Abasi. And aren't celery, onions and tatashe vegetables? I thought we're talking about fruits-"

"Hayce! Don't you dare call me Abasi in this game when you know the consequences! And for your information, I knew it was called-"

"Aubergine?" Awelewa giggled

"Yes that! And stop trying to change the topic." Abasi stated while folding his arms.

I... Okay, play dumb...

"What topic?"

"Do not play dumb with me, Awelewa." He said, his expression changing instantly.

Oops... Think again.

Wait, Awelewa?

Feeling quite dejected, Awelewa looked down as she felt ashamed of the thought of her answers.

Just deny...

"I just wanted to stroll around the hall-"

"Is it Bamidele?" Abasi cut in.

She looked up and gave a prolonged stare. She glanced at Miss Rose who seemed not to be interested in their conversation, rather the injuries she was bandaging. Awelewa's silence and steady nod prompted Abasi to continue. "Why do you pay so much attention to him? He doesn't care about you and you know that."

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I love him?" She reluctantly mentioned and pulled her face away.

Dumbfounded, Abasi stared; a tint of worry coloured on his fair face. He folded his arms, too shocked and not knowing what to say.

"Love Awelewa? Did you just" He stuttered and cocked his head.

I did...

"Umm what's wrong with that?"

"Hmm, let me think... Everything?" He blurted out, his eyes almost popping out of their abode and his arms stretching a little forth thus disturbing Miss Rose's work.

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