"Wait for signs of him." I said. "And if there aren't, tell him anyway. I'm sure he likes you too." I said with a wink and her cheeks turned red.

"I don't know..." came unsettled by her.

"But I do know something. Any boy who rejects you is stupid." I said, smiling encouragingly.

Nara now shone her smile at me. "Stop being so sweet." she said. I laughed. "You stop it for now."

She blushed again and I smiled for a moment.

"Thanks for the delicious breakfast. However, I must leave my princess now to change. See you later?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes, see you later teddy bear." she said and grinned at me somewhat provocatively.



Nara POV

So I'm supposed to wait for signals from him? Okay, sure.

After I said goodbye to him, I immediately ran into the bathroom and showered before drying my hair and doing some styling.

I chose a high ponytail, I left two strands near my face.

In addition rather dark, to be exact black, too big clothes. A sweater, ripped jeans and black sneaker.

And a backpack with a mobile phone, wallet, house keys and other things I need. We are going to an amusement park.

I left a note for my parents in case they were there for a short time and then I went to Minjae's house.

When I got there, I rang the bell and Minjae opened the door immediately.

"Hello Cherry." he said jokingly and I laughed briefly. "Pff, stupid. Come on now." I said impatiently and he just smiled at me.

I like this nickname, Cherry...

Why does he keep making me melt when he's happy?

I shook my head briefly and he grabbed me gently by the wrist. "Come on, come on!" he said and pulled me along.

I laughed for a moment. "Ah, now turn the tables, interesting." I said and he grinned.

After 10 minutes we arrived at the meeting place. Huijun was already standing there, grinning slightly when he saw me.

"Hey you two." Huijun said and looked suspiciously at Minjae, who just shrugged his shoulders and smiled broadly at me. I returned the smile.

"Okay, let's go inside!" said Huijun and we paid for tickets, then entered the park. It's pretty big and cool.

Minjae immediately pulled me and Huijun on the roller coaster. I laughed nervously for a moment. "Believe me, I can't take it."

Minjae shook his head and a short time later we were sitting in the seats.

Luckily these are triple rows of seats, so the three of us were sitting together.

After the first two loops I felt sick, but I held out until the end and then wavered slightly.

When I threatened to fall, someone held me down and I hit my nose against a breast. I looked up and could see a gentle looking Minjae.

"Woah, let's go to the creepy house!" Huijun said enthusiastically. Oh dear, please don't. But I was already dragged along by Minjae and we represented the house.

I swallowed, the music alone was enough to make me shiver.

We walked a few steps and a skeleton jumped out of the corner, which scared me and made me jump to the side.

Then I grabbed Minjae's hand and pressed it firmly. I forgot that it was him.

Minjae finally squeezed my hand slightly.

I came back to reality and became red, so I walked a little closer to him. "I hate houses of horror." I growled and he just laughed. "Haven't noticed that yet." he said with a smile.

Playfully, I slapped him on the chest and he laughed. "Oh no, Horror Nara is attacking me. Flee while you can." he said as if he was about to die and I laughed.

That scatterbrain...

The house was over quickly, at Minjae's side I wasn't as scared as I had been at first.

Then I chose a rather harmless carousel and we went on a few other things.

Now we were at a small café where music was played on the side and you could dance. I watched some couples dreamily.

Suddenly I heard the same question from both guys, at the same time.

"Do you want to dance?"

I looked back and forth between them. "I can dance with you two." I said. My only solution. They both nodded and Huijun pulled me up first.

We moved a little to the beat of the music, and were quite relaxed, but I was missing something here.

Then it was Minjae's turn. We danced like a well-rehearsed team. Suddenly the music slowed down and we both got a little closer.

I put my head on his chest and we looked each other in the eyes. Our faces got closer and closer, but...

The music picked up speed again. I cursed her inside for it.

We finally stopped dancing. Huijun had chosen to go to another roller coaster, which we did. Then there were some other rides.


I was just standing at a cotton candy stand, picking something out with Huijun, then I turned around. "Hey Min-" I broke my sentence. What I saw kind of broke my heart.

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