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[XxX] --- once you see this sign, something 'hot' would happen so read at your own risk!!! (And for your guilty pleasure)

"Sorry! I-I'm so sorry! I-I was just outside to have some fresh air. I haven't laid a foot outside this mansion ever since I came here....Please, forgive me!" Yui bowed.

Her heart raced and her sweat trickled onto her forehead. 'I. Am. So. Dead.' Her head chanted. She closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to come.

After eating earlier, Reiji called Yui to have a private talk regarding about her leaving earlier. She was dead meat.

Reiji slapped her right cheek. The impact was so strong, that she fell. She accidentally bit her inside cheek too. Her mouth bled. Her tears rushed out from the pain. Rubbing, her cheek tears were already forming in her eyes from the pain.

"Rules are not meant to be broken once you're inside this mansion. Remember that." Yui's eyes were pooled with tears, threatening to fall. Her cheek throbbed. She looked at the floor nervously.

Reiji knelt down and kissed her full on the mouth.

Yui's eyes were wide with shock and her cheeks went tomatoe red. Then, in Yui's vision, everything seemed to move slow.



His hands held my wrists, pressing me onto the wall. I tried to squirm a little, but it's n use. He pinned my arms on the wall above my head, still kissing me.

Hot. Everywhere was so hot. I could feel my legs shaking. I was in ecstasy and I couldn't find the reason why.

I could feel my legs slowly give away so I held on to hope that I won't fall.

His lips were cold but soft. His lips started to move, with mine not moving. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to stop and end this embarrassment.

Slowly, I realized his tongue was inside my mouth, licking off the blood. His grip on my arms started to get tighter.

I managed to break free from the kiss. And searched for air. He stared at me, licking his tongue. Then, I saw how his eye color changed from dark red-violet into emerald ones. It was beautiful. For a while, we just stared into each other's eyes, shutting out the world that kept us apart.

Slowly, he started kissing my neck, all the way down to my soft spot. My mind was in a blank state. I could only make out the warmth of his cold lips brushing on my skin.

'More.' My mind chanted.

"More..." My mouth slipped! I regretted what I said immediately. He took off his glasses, brushed his hair away from his face and started to kiss me viscously.

First of all, I don't know how to kiss. Me and Sou only kissed once for a split second once we dated. Secondly, I am quite the slow person. Everything is going too fast.

"M-my hands..." I squeaked. He let my hands go without hesitation. He blew air on my ear, leaving me flushed and shocked.

He nibbled on my ear and tightened his grip on me.

Breath, woman, breath...


Then, as if he was in shock, he let go of me, straightened his shirt, turned around and said "Let one of my brothers know, and I'll kill you instantly." And then he was gone.

I could still feel his cold lips and how his emerald eyes stared at me.


His hands left marks on my arms. It hurted a little. But the pleasure of his lips left me wanting more. I could not understand myself. Why would I want a vampire's kiss when I hate them? I treat their kind as if they are inferior to cockroaches. But not this time.

I can't forget what just happened ten seconds ago. I must be going insane.

I need to see Sou. I can't kiss any other man than him. I am such a horrible girl.

"Sou.....please forgive me." I whispered to myself as I ran towards my room.

I flew onto the bed as soon as I locked the door. My face, covered with my hair. I always cried like this. A hand covering my mouth, the other, scrunching up my skirt with my eyes closed.

Still closing my eyes, my feet ran towards the bed and sob for eternity. But, out of habit, I knelt and sobbed ontop of the bed. Although it wasn't a bed. It was a person's leg.

I looked up and saw Laito.

"Ahh! Sorry! I'm so sorry!" As I realized that I stained his pants with my tears. I backed up just a bit.

"What happened, little bitch-chan?" He asked sarcastically. Well, how rude.

" you please leave so that I could change?" I asked.

"Hmn? Why don't you just change in here instead? I won't mind." He said with a wink.

How awful.


"Oh, come on, bitch-cha--" I couldn't take it anymore with these people!

I grabbed my folded blanket on top of my pillow and ran outside, into the garden where Subaru showed me.

I ran, I even bumped into Kanato in the hallway and broke a vase.

My running was reckless and I loved it.

I ran into the fountain, stopped for breath and wiped my sweat that trickled om my forehead.

I ran into the lawn. My legs were getting ichy and hurting because of the overgrown grass. I slipped once, scraping my right knee but recovered quickly.

When I found a good spot, I spread the blanket and just sat there and cried.

"I hate vampires." I whispered under my breath. "Sou..." I whispered his name over and over until I finally calmed myself and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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