Chapter 6

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London's POV 

Oh my god these cookies are so good. I throw my head back and lean against the kitchen table, chewing with my mouth open and moaning in complete bliss. Reaching around blindly, my hand feels its way across the table, patting until I find the now completely cooled cookie tray. I am going to steal Laura away from Uncle Liam. These are seriously the best cookies I have ever had.

Munching happily through the thick gooeyness of chocolate, I don't notice anything around me until I hear a sharp gasp coming from the doorway and my head snaps up to see James standing in the doorway with a lost and devastated look on his face. Wondering why there's a hint of confused and grossed out in his mix of facial expressions rolled into one, I realize I'm standing there with my mouth wide open with half chewed cookie mush staring him right in the face. Real classy of me.

"What the fuck are you doing you crazy bitch? Those are my cookies!" He screams. Rushing over to where I am standing, he yanks the cookie tray from the table and swings it behind his back, scattering cookies all over the kitchen. "Fuck! 5 second rule!" Bending down, he frantically spreads himself out across the floor, reaching out for as many cookies as he can grab hold of as I am still leaning against the counter, part of a cookie fo halfway to my open mouth. Jeez... the guy really does take his baking seriously.

Seeming to regain some miniscule amount of his sanity, he straightens himself and stands, brushing the remaining thousands of crumbs from his clothes. Attempting to regain some of his dignity, he lifts his head and stares me in the eyes, not seeming to realize the presence of many crumbs on his face. He looks so proud of himself I just have to point it out and ruin his moment.

Swallowing my mouthful and dragging a hand across my mouth, I point my hand with the half eaten cookie in it in his general direction.

"Umm... You have a little something..." 

Scrambling frantically, he turns his back to me and brushes all of the remaining crumbs off his face and spins around to face me once more, meeting my gaze coolly.

"I came to tell you something very important," he says. "I have just been to see my father and he says that in order to effectively complete this mission, we must acquire a special piece of equipment."

Placing the rest of my cookie on the table, I brush my hands together and lean over the table and rest my head on my arms. 

"Ok... Well, what is it? Is it some kind of special goggles or a gun or a camera or something?" 

"No... Well, it is kind of like a camera, but it doesn't show actual images. It's called the Operation Observer and it is the only unit in the entire world. It is just a prototype, but so far it works perfectly, especially for what we need it for. It shows you a map of the Tower of London, in our case, and shows the exact location of all people inside the grounds and the placement of every single hidden camera and security measure in the entire place. It even is able to decipher any code or lock to any door or safe." He finishes his very formal speech with lots of waving arms and gestures around the kitchen.

"That's great! I'm really grateful to Uncle Liam for tracking it down for me to use. It will be very useful when trying to get to the crown jewels." Walking towards him, I hold out my hand, expecting a small device to be placed in it any second.

"So, where is it?"

"Hehe... That's the thing right?" James backs up slowly with a sheepish look on his face, rubbing the back of his neck while keeping one eye warily trained on me as I advance slowly in on him.

"What do you mean? There shouldn't be a thing! This should be thing free!" I tell him, my voice rising with every word.

Coughing, he scans my frantic face and decides it's probably best if he tells me before land a kick to his crown jewels.

"Well, Pumpkin..." Just before he looks like he is going to tell me, he closes his mouth and his eyes flick quickly to the doorway and then back to me.

"Go on dude. You know, me walking towards you and cornering you is the most exercise my foot has gotten all day. If you ever want to have kids I suggest you tell me where it is."

Sighing in defeat, he gives in, lowing his head and accepting his future... and the future state of his balls.

"It is in France."

Oh, well. That's not so bad. Here I am thinking it's being held hostage by some purple spotted green alien from Uzbekistan that doesn't speak English and kidnaps bags of Skittles and melts M’n’Ms in a pot in the middle of a volcano, and has a nasty habit of roasting Canadians marinated in maple syrup over an open fire. But, France, that could even be good! 

"Oh, well..." I respond emptily. "I can leave in an hour. Where can I buy a ferry ticket?"

Reaching into his melted chocolate covered back pocket he pulls out a colourful ticket.

"I have tickets," he says. "It is for the boat that leaves in an hour, and it will take us right where we need to go."

Hold on a second hun...

"Tickets?! Us?! We?!"

Nodding, he rubs his 2 fingers together and the ticket slides over to the side to reveal a second.

"You heard right, Pumpkin. We," he confirms. Throwing them on the counter, he takes the rest of my abandoned and forgotten half eaten cookie and turns to leave the kitchen.

"Be ready and meet me in the garden. One hour exactly."

With that, he stalks out of the room with an air of finality lingering around his recently vacated spot, leaving me still leaning against the table, still processing what exactly just happened.

I think he just told me what to do! He may not know much, but by now he should know that no one tells me what to do.

Hell no.





Ok, so I know I said at the end of chapter 3 that Rob Pattinson looks way better in Harry Potter than Twilight... but my friend dragged me to see the 2nd part ofBreaking Dawn last week (she looooves Twilight), and I have to say... not bad! Although he should still have a British accent ;) <3



MOVIE OF THE DAY: Breaking Dawn Part 2

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