Chapter 11

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“What time is it?” Is the first thing that I think as I become conscious.

I slowly lower the blankets from over top of my head, and quickly yank them right back up again as I am blinded by the sunlight streaming through my windows. Even with the blankets blocking my eyes from the light, the few seconds it was in my line of vision caused a blinding shade of red to imprint itself on the insides of my eyelids.

Bravely, I lower the blankets once again from over my head and sit up, ignoring the mental screams of protest coming from my head. Standing up, I hold my arms out in front of me with my eyes squeezed tightly shut, and wander blindly towards the window area. As soon as my outstretched fingers brush against the fabric of the curtains, I yank them closed and sigh in relief.

Returning to my bed, I plop myself down cross legged and rest my head in my hands. What am I going to do? I'm sitting in my room, hiding from light after having slept away most of the day, and contemplating sleeping through the rest of it. 

I decide to suck it up and face the daylight, and getting off the bed and making my way over to the door, I rub my eyes in preparation for the attack they are about to endure. When I open them I come face to face with a monster.

"AGHHHH!!!" I stumble backwards and fall on my butt unceremoniously at the sight.

Just kidding... It wasn't a monster. It was just my reflection. But seriously. I look like crap right now. The monster reaction wasn't that far off, with my hair sticking up every which way, what's left of my makeup is smudged and I'm dressed like a hobo: the perfect morning ensemble.

Not bothering too much with my appearance, I just tie my hair up into a messy bun, wipe the makeup off and wriggle into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, ditching my pajamas in the corner of the room.

I'm not even going to bother putting on any makeup. Usually, I'm the kind of girl who puts on makeup no matter what. It really pisses me off when girls don't wear any makeup when they are having a bad day, just so people will notice how crappy they look and feel sorry for them. But me, I believe that some good makeup can fix anything, at least on the outside, and that looking good can make you feel better. However, today, I'm just feeling all round horrible, and no amount of makeup can make me feel better, so I'm just not going to bother.

Similar to on New Year's, as I descend the staircase, I hear voices coming from the dining room. As that is where everyone is, my feet carry me in that direction, bringing me to face everyone sitting at the table, eating. As I stumble into the room, everyone looks up from their plates, and their heads snap to look at me, everyone, except James and Ash, who are staring at Ash's plate.

Ash picks up his fork and looks intently at his food, and rearranges it to form pictures.

"What's that shape, there?" asks James, pointing at a particular area of the food. "Because it looks kind of like a d-"


James is cut short by a cough from his dad, alerting him to my presence and causing both him and Ash to look up from their game.

"Still playing with your food, I see, James," I tease halfheartedly.

He shoots me a glare and sticks his tongue out at me.

"So, I see someone finally decided to join us," Uncle Liam remarks while reaching across the table for the bowl of sugar.

"Have a good night?" Laura asks slyly from the door to the kitchen.

"I bet you had an awful night," James says. “All alone, without me to-”

“Ahem,” Liam interrupts again.

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