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As Pixie explained what she wanted from Lana and Tyler, Finnick helped Lana onto the carriage. "I want you both to keep up the attitude you have going on. I want lots of smiling and waving from Lana and minimal movement and emotion from Tyler."

"But a little smirk or grin wouldn't hurt." Finnick tells Tyler.

"That wouldn't be in character for him. He'd come off as desperate." Pixie bitterly said.

"No, he won't." Finnick responded. "A smirk or grin would come off as confident. If he continues to not give the audience what they want they'll think he's cocky and arrogant, then in return he'll lose potential sponsors."

Pixie scoffed before wishing her tributes a good luck and walking away. "You two really don't like each other." Lana looked down at Finnick.

"If you only knew." Finnick responded while admiring her cocoa eyes.

Before either of them could go back to their longing stares and awkward pauses of silence, Finnick backed away. "I'll meet you on the other side. You guys are going to do amazing."

Soon enough, one by one the carriages began to roll out. A pebble under District 4's wagon causes it to shake. Lana grabs onto Tyler so that she wouldn't fall but he just pulls his arm away. "Touch me again and I'll push you off myself." Tyler said through gritted teeth.

"Literally, what is your problem?" Lana asked, finally fed up with his rudeness.

"I don't have a problem." Tyler said. "It's you who has the problem. Going around acting like some delicate flower."

"When have I ever acted as such?" Lana grew irritated, knowing she's only ever been her authentic self. "You mean how I was absolutely broken at the Reaping? If you couldn't tell I never wanted to be in the games. It took me by complete surprise, I wasn't made for any of this so sorry if I was acting a little too sensitive for you."

"You know it's not even just that. Ever since we were kids you've acted like this. Oh poor Lana, always the victim." Tyler said.

Lana laughed. "What are you even talking about? I don't remember ever even meeting you before The Reaping."

Tyler scoffed. "Of course you don't."

By now their carriage had already rolled out. Lana wanted to continue their argument but knew it'd be best to end it for now as there were out in the open, live for all of Panem to see. The crowd seemed to like Lana and Tyler. They were throwing flowers at them and some sending them kisses. Some men took a particular liking towards Lana and could be seen whispering amongst themselves. Luckily, Lana didn't notice but Finnick who had been sitting behind them did.

"The women from District 4 never disappoint." One of the men who looked well into his 40s said.

"They don't do they?" His friend smirked. "Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll win."

Both men laughed which made Finnick feel sick. His hand shot up to grab one of them behind the neck but Mags stopped him. She shook her head as Finnick furrowed his eyebrows. The conversation between the two men triggered Finnick in more ways than one. From the very beginning he saw himself in Lana. Young, scared, lost and now desired, desired at such a young and vulnerable age. Finnick held himself back from inflicting harm on the men and left in the middle of the ceremony.

Arriving backstage early he stumbled across one of the mentors from District 1, Cashmere. "Oh, Hey Finnick."

"Hi." He smiled back.

"It's weird seeing you back here so early. Did something happen to your tribute?" Cashmere questioned.

"No, I just wanted to make sure I'd get here before they did." He answered.

"Oh, okay good." Cashmere sighed. "Because I want this year's alliance to be strong. Last year was absolutely miserable."

"It was, wasn't it." Finnick pretended to agree.

"Yeah, I mean district 11 won? That was insane, our group didn't even make it to the final 3 which was embarrassing." Cashmere blushed at the thought.

Finnick thought about his tributes last year. They were both very confident, well-trained and strong, but sometimes it takes more than just being those things to win which Finnick tried to explain to them, but they didn't listen. Some people are just too arrogant and proud to be taught something useful and new, especially if the concept sounds foreign.

President Snow was giving his speech now. Finnick stared at the screen in disgust. "How well have you gotten to know your tributes?" Finnick asked Cashmere.

"We'll enough, the boy is really strong but a bit hardheaded and proud. The girl on the other hand is very quiet and reserved, she tells me she's good with a knife, but I'll have to see it first to confirm." Cashmere explained. "How about yours?"

Finnick thought about his tributes before answering. "About the same." Finnick replied.

"Your girl has a lot of charisma." Cashmere took notice. "Imagine if she does win. How successful she could be in the capital."

Finnick scoffed thinking about it. "I'd hope she'd choose not to participate in said activities."

"Finnick, you and I both know you don't get to choose. Sure, you can resist but how far has anyone gotten with that?" Cashmere begged to question.

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