Chapter Six: Look Mom, I can Fly!

Start from the beginning


Isabelle turned up to her afternoon shift with a spring in her step. She had slept well and that always helped her mood. And, for the first time in six months, she'd actually talked to Arielle and it went relatively well. Mel had shaken her head at the mention of her sister though.

"Girl, family is everything but the term 'blood is thicker than water' clearly means nothing to that woman." Isabelle had ignored that and talked to Arielle. Briefly but it had been cordial. It had helped make Isabelle feel better in any case.

When she walked passed Sweets room, she could see Hannah sitting there, smiling as Sweets sat there with his arms out in either side of his body, expressing only a small amount of pain as he did so.

"Look mom, I can fly!" Isabelle chuckled as she heard him say that and continued to the nurses station, humming to herself.

When she got in there, there was an unexpected visitor that caused her eyebrows to shoot up.

"Dr Valentine. It's a pleasure." Dr Ross Valentine, head doctor of the hospital and committee that kept the calm going stood in front of her, his dark hair bright under the lights of the station. He was a kind man, always with a smile on his face but today, he had a grave expression on his face that made Isabelle hope that he wasn't here to see her. Her stomach did a somersault, nerves beginning to kick in.

"Isabelle. It's nice to see you. How are you?"
"I'm alright sir, how are you?" He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, his blue eyes seemingly sad.

"I wish I was here under better circumstances. Isabelle, I need to talk to you in regards to a supposed altercation between you and Dr Munroe Darling." If Isabelle wasn't already white in skin, she felt she would've turned into a snow man right on the spot.

"Would you like to take this some where private, sir?"
"That'd be a good idea." Isabelle nodded and put her bag under the desk and led Valentine out of the office and into an empty meeting room they used for family meetings. Closing the door behind her, Isabelle sat down across from Valentine and  crossed her hands over her lap, maintaining a cool appearance.

Valentine took a deep breath as he leaned on the table and looked directly at her, Isabelle maintaining the gaze.

"What happened between you and Munroe last week at around 6pm?" Isabelle shrugged.

"I was leaving the hospital grounds after being called in and Munroe followed me and wouldn't leave me alone. We said some mean things to each other."
"And did you punch him?" Isabelle nodded.

"Yes sir."
"Dammit, Isabelle." Valentine rubbed his eyes. "Why?"
"Come on, Ross. You know what he's like."
"No, Isabelle. I don't know what he's like. He's accusing you of attacking him on no account but you wanted to." Isabelle scoffed.

"Sure because I do that alot, right? Ross, Munroe was verbally abusing me. He said some horrible things and I wanted him to leave me the hell alone. So I punched him. He left me alone. It's that's simple." Valentine looked at Isabelle and shook his head.

"It's not that simple, Isabelle. It's your word against his. And unfortunately for you, the board is taking his side."
"He's been to the whole board?"
"He has. All of them. And because he's a doctor, they want action." Isabelle shook her head and put her head in her hands, leaning on the table.

"What can you do?"
"I just head the committee and that's why I'm here. To get your side of the story. But it's not going to look good for you, Isabelle. You're still new here. You're a nurse."
"Because a doctor is more important than a nurse, right? Sure. Whatever." Isabelle shot back. Valentine reached across the table to pat her arm sympathetically.

"I'm only one voice. I may be in charge but I do not get final say in what happens. But if I were you, I would look into other hospitals." Isabelle sat back miserably. Munroe had been right. He was going to make her regret it.

"I'll do what I can to help you because of its any help, Isabelle, I know he deserved it because you're right. I do know what he's like." Valentine stood up and made for the door.

"He's a piece of work but he's a bloody good doctor." With that, Valentine left Isabelle sitting in the room by herself.

From her walking in to sitting in the meeting room, it had all gone in a rush. She felt like she was missing pieces of here memory from the meeting because of how fast Valentine had gone. And how fast Munroe had gone to ruin her life.

Shakily, she stood up and exited the room, making for the nurses station, the knot in her stomach intensifying with every step she took.

Authors Note:

I'm sorry this is a short one and a bit rushed but that was kinda the feel I was going for. We gotta be in Isabelle's mind at all times, right? Or is that just me?

Anyway, sorry for the delay in updates. I was taking a break and doing some other things and relaxing. My brain needed a break.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bree xx

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