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The rest of the car ride was pretty tame. They just ate and talked except of course Rumeenah.

They exited they car and Rumeenah grabbed her bag. A small one only holding cursed objects and the dagger.

Some of the band looked at her and dropped their instruments. She just smiled at the chaos she created already.

Ben began to introduce himself. Smiling. Once he got to Rumeenah he gulped. 

Rumeenah looked at the hand Ben had extended. She lifted her hand and pulled down the leather hood. "Are you sure you want to touch me? At the isle they wouldn't dare. Who would want to be cursed?" 

Ben still extended his hand. His face was full of confidence. 

"benny-boo! We don't want to get cursed now would we!" The girl on his shoulder said. 

"ah. The girlfriend." Rumeenah changed her glare from Ben to Audrey. 

"You are just full of corruption." Rumeenah mumbled starting to smile. 

Fairy god mother then came to Rumeenah. "Rumeenah! How lovely to meet you!" The fairy smiled. 

Rumeenah's yellow eyes shot hard, evil daggers at her. 

'I HATE fairies.'

"For your good and my own, I suggest you leave me alone, fairy." Rumeenah bit her tongue. 


"Hey Rumeenah? Do you like even talk?" Evie asked in the room they had changed to be all black.

"Lets get one thing straight. I know you guys are after the wand. You want to break the barrier. I know your entire plan." Rumeenah said as the two sat in shock.

"so are you going to help us?" Mal asked.

"The way I see it is we can do this one of two ways. You can all work with me and I be in charge or I can not tell the people here and we will have a business relationship." Rumeenah giggled. "I let you consult the gentlemen about this deal." She bowed waved her had and summoned Carlos and Jay and giggled as she fiddled with the dagger.

The four whisper and discussed.
"What do you mean by business relationship?" Carlos asked.
Rumeenah smiled. "All it means is that if I want something from any of you we make a deal. If you all need something I will see if it benefits me and we go from there."

"We'll have a business relationship." Mal said.

Rumeenah laughed while hanging from the bed. "So glad. I don't play well with others." 

She laughed and used magic to put the boys back. She then waved her hand and a spindle appeared.
She started to take the straw from the basket and turn it to gold. Humming and laughing as she did.

There was then a knock on the door. It was fairy God mother. "Bipity bopity! I would like to ask to talk to Rumeenah. Is she here?"

Mal turned to show Rumeenah spinning gold.
"Rumeenah? I would like to talk to you."
Rumeenah just kept spinning.
"Rumeenah I noticed that your-"
Rumeenah continued spinning as she spoke. "What do you want?'
" let's go on a walk. "

Rumeenah and fairy God mother walked and talked.
"Rumeenah I understand you have grown up with the dark one as your father yes?"

" ... "

"Well we hope to help you with all of your issues and tram- "
Fairy god mother was interrupted by Rumeenah.

"Why did you not heed my warning?" 

"I'm sorry?" 

"The only thing I hate more than the isle is fairies."

"But your father-"

"I had the best and most caring parent on the isle. If you think for a moment that he beat me or anything else you are greatly mistaken. I know you think he is a monster and he is horrid but believe me madam he is the best father to ever walk this planet."

Rumeenah said with bitterness dropping off her tongue as a cloud of smoke washed over her.
"Oh dear" fairy God mother said.
"If you found a baby on the street would you
(A) poison it?
(B) take out its heart?
(C) give the baby a bottle?
(D) walk away?"
Fairy god mother asked.
Evie rose her hand.
"What was the second one again?" She asked.

Rumeenah rose her hand. "B take out its heart. So you can see if it is true or not. Then if it is you give them baby a bottle. But if not you crush the heart slowly and painfully so the evil does not come in the world."
The room look at her in shock.
"...n-no you just give it a bottle...jane!"

Jane walked in the room moving fastest along when by the villains.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane?"

"Mom no!"

Rumeenah hummed in amusement as she watched the nervous girl in front of the class. 

Jane's face was pale and full of fear. Rumeenah smiled deeply and waved her hand to the young girl.   

"Its okay Jane. This is everyone!" 

Rumeenah followed Jane with her eyes as she left. 

fairy godmother tapped the blackboard. "Rumeenah!" 

Rumeenah turned back to her. "what?" 

"Please pay attention." 

"I would but apparently all my answers are wrong." Rumeenah put her feet up. 

Fairy godmother sighed. 

"Lets continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?" 

Jay and Carlos began to fight. 


" You turn it over to the proper authorities." Jay smiled. 

"If you continue to fight I suggest you do it elsewhere. It will be a lot harder to get away with murder here." Rumeenah smiled. 

When class was finished Rumeenah felt some touch her shoulder. She snapped her head around to see Audrey touching her shoulder. 

" You know, if you had normal skin, perfect hair, and well so much more like me... You could be so much more." 

'what the hell is wrong with my hair?!?'

"Alright. Ill play along." Rumeenah crossed her legs. She leaned in her hand. "Oh no! Whatever shall I do! I have no self respect! Please help me you perfect, preppy princess." Rumeenah acted dramatically as Aubrey crossed her arms. 

"You are beyond help." Aubrey growled. 

"dearie the only thing people talk to me for is to help themselves." She stood up. She wasn't very much taller than Aubrey, only an inch or two without her boots. 

"I hope you know everyone hates you." 

"What did I do wrong?" Rumeenah leaned in. "I haven't done a single thing to you pampered brats, and yet you hate me. No matter how pure of heart you can't see past the parents. So how am I the bad guy?" Rumeenah was almost growling at her. She snapped her head away and began to walk away. 

"what did I do?" Rumeenah mumbled. 

'born to play the villain.'

When she went to the hall she saw mal and Ben talking. 

Rumeenah kept walking faster past everyone. Something was happening. She didn't know what but something bad. 

Rumeenah felt a horrid feeling in her brain and body. She snapped her eyes wide open. 

" someone has my dagger. " She was teleported by magic.

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