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When Hane disappeared they teleported into the forest. 

Hane became enraged throwing a tantrum. Pushing down trees with magic and yelling. 

After they calmed down the waved their looked up to the sky. Hane sat on the ground crossing their legs. They sat doing this for hours. Until an idea stuck them.


"So what do you do for fun?" Nixie asked leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Uhh" Rumeenah held her own neck awkwardly. "during the curse I only kept up the shop, normally I use magic for entertainment."

"How... Often do you use your magic? It kinda scares me to be honest."Nixie asked laughing awkwardly. 

Rumeenah smiled. " I haven't used it since the last time you saw me." Rumeenah lied. 

Rumeenah got the ability to lie masterfully from her father. 

"So your father brought me to your castle, but where is your mother?" Nixie asked. 

Rumeenah looked to the ground. "oh I'm sorry,did I say something?" Nixie was considered she hurt her feelings. 

"I never knew my mother." Rumeenah said. "my father told me she was the most amazing woman." Rumeenah looked at Nixie.

"have you heard the of the maiden in the tower? And my father went to help her?" Rumeenah asked and Nixie nodded. 

"That story actually happened to him three times. Once in his world. Once in your world. Once the world she was from." Rumeenah smiled looking up.

"The story goes like this, one day a portal opened in the sky. My father fell out from the portal and arrived in the world. He began building his reputation once more and he heard the rumor of a girl stuck in a tower. The king trapped her their saying she could turn straw to gold. But my father knew better. He arrived and he saw the lady about to jump off. He quickly stopped her and they maid a deal. He needed a child, either for a curse or a client, and she needed the gold. Once they saw she married the prince. Once it was time he came to collect the prize. But the couple loved the child. My father saw their love for the child and it reminded him of his son. But the couple where not in love themselves. He made a deal to take their wedding fingers instead. But as he was to leave he saw a maiden. She was to marry the prince before. He was headed to his carriage when she was feeding his horse, humming a beautiful song. The lady did not fear him but instead smiled at him. As if he was any normal man."

 Rumeenah smiled while speaking until she stopped.

"but after that I never heard how they fell in love. It was only a single week after I was born when she fell ill. When he was trying to heal her a wizard came he tried to killed all of us. My father grabbed me. my mother threw magic beans onto the ground. It opened a portal. The wizard pushed my father through without my mother. He never saw her again. He appeared on the isle of the lost and he raised me there. Every night before I sleep my father sung her song to me." 

Rumeenah finished her story and Nixie hugged her. "Hey." Nixie smiled. "Hey."Rumeenah smiled responding. 

" my mother locked me in a tower forever. I never didn't even have a father. Your father is the best." Nixie said.

"I love him." Rumeenah smiled.

Hey! There you go! Rumeenah's mom! More chapters are coming soon, but the book will end also soon. But if I did make a sequel, it would be in a new world, other than descendents. What world would you wanna see Rumeenah in? 

Remember, you are loved and you are valid!

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