I hadn't been paying much attention to where I was walking, until I came to this massive cave. It was completely dark...yet intriguing. Against my better judgement I walked into the dark abyss, my mind screaming at me not to go in but I ignored it. I was curious and I felt like it was calling to me somehow.

It was as dark inside as it appeared, so I did what I promised I wouldn't do, I took out the lightsaber my mom gave me and ignited it. The blue light gave me an instant sense of calm as I used it to light my path. There were markings on the cave walls surrounding me, I walked towards them, my hand lightly grazed them. As I ran my hands across the markings; the meaning of them unknown to me, I felt an instant shiver run throughout my entire body. I was jolted backwards, my entire body being thrown against the wall opposite to me. 

Fuck, that hurt.  

I slowly stood up, rubbing my head to try and give it some relief. That was when I saw four people standing facing away from me. I felt an instant warmth as I started to walk closer to them, I don't know if it was the fact that I got thrown against a wall or not but I swear a blue light radiated off of them. I picked up my lightsaber from off the ground and continued to advance towards them, keeping my lightsaber close to my side. 

"H-Hello? Who are you?" I said, as commanding as I could with my voice shaking. 

Suddenly they all turned around, smiling and looking at me. I almost cried when I saw who they were. 

In front of me was my grandma, grandpa, my great-grandfather, and the great Obi-wan Kenobi. 

"Hello Leiana, It is amazing to finally meet you" My grandmother said, coming close to me, her hand lightly touching my cheek. A single tear fell from my eyes, I could feel her hand on my cheek. 

"Grandma, You-you are here" I said, my voice shaking.

"Yes Leiana, all of us are here to help you" She said, wiping my tears and smiling warmly.

 "What do you mean?" I said, looking at all of them curiously

They looked at each other, finally great-grandpa spoke up.

"Leiana, we fear that the person you are with on this island is dangerous. We have all sensed a great darkness and disturbance growing inside of him for some time, now it is becoming too strong too quickly." He said with a sigh, clearly this was upsetting him. I assume it was bringing back too many old memories for him. 

"Issac? Is he the one that I have been having visions about?"

"Yes, we came to warn you Leiana. You need to leave this island as soon as possible, if not then we fear you could be in great danger." Obi Wan said, his tone more serious than the others. 

"But..how could I just leave? We are connected, wouldn't he be able to find me?" I said, my mind racing with a million thoughts. 

"That is always an issue, but if you train hard enough you can learn to block your thoughts from him. It is possible if you put the work in" Grandma said, her focus changing on me to the lightsaber on my hip.

"Wow, I haven't seen that lightsaber since I stopped training myself, I knew it would be used for good. You have the history of strong Jedi running through your veins Leiana, I know you can do this. We will be here whenever you need us, just call out to us and we will answer" She said.

"Thank you, I promise I won't let you all down." I said, I could feel my chest already getting heavy at the idea of leaving.

"You got this kid, you are one hell of a pilot and a Jedi so I know you are going to be great." My grandpa said, his words meaning the most to me. All I ever wanted was to see him and get his approval. I took a deep breathe and before I could say anything else; There was a burst of wind and they were gone. 

I just spoke to some of the best Jedis and people in the galaxy and all I could think of was Issac. I walked aimlessly out of the cave, my mind foggy. As soon as my feet hit the grass in front of me, I fell to my knees and broke down. I don't know why I cried and screamed but I did, I felt like my entire world was turned on its axis. Nothing about this was going to be easy. 



Did you guys know it was going to be Issac in her visions??

I hope I surprised you all, also I hope you guys enjoyed the cameo of the icons themselves! 

I have everything planned for this book, so expect some twists and turns as we get closer to the end !!

Do you guys have any predictions, if so let me know!

Expect another chapter soon, remember to vote and comment <3

Thanks for reading and stay safe loves xx

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