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I'm taking the fattest shit of my life while writing this.
PS this is the most excruciatingly long chapter i'll probably ever right
somewhat nsfw or lemon warning why the hell is it called lemon btw

    A car pulled into Ouma household's driveway. The headlights flicked off and somebody stepped out of the door, clutching dead gross yellow colored flowers in his gloved hand. Kiibo went up to the door and knock softly a couple times. There was no answer at first before—

"Oh!" a purple haired somewhat frail female answered the door. "H—hello...!"

Kiibo's face flushed in embarrassment as he attempted to maintain eye contact with this lady. Was Kokichi a crossdresser? No... he must've gotten the wrong house. "Err..." he began. "I apologize. I see I have gotten the wrong address—" he went to turn away back to his car but the woman spoke up again.

"You're Mister Iidabashi, correct?" the timid woman asked, creaking the door open some more.

"That is me." he replied with a nod. From behind the woman, a familiar voice sang.

"Mom!" it was Kokichi. He sounded a bit flustered. He probably didn't want Kiibo knowing his mom yet. He wanted to introduce her. "Eugh!" he pushed past his parent and stood in the doorway, his figure seeming a lot smaller than Kiibo now that he wasn't wearing... shoes.

"Hey—" the awkward male went to protest against him pushing his mom before Kokichi interrupted.

"Talk later, Kiiboy. Mom said dinner isn't ready yet so let's go to my room! I'll show you around but promise not to make fun of me, kay'?" his eyes trailed down to the flowers in his hand. "For me?" Kokichi clutched where his heart would be.

Immediately, the robot's face turned a harsh shade of pink. He slowly lifted his hand and handed the smaller male the dead flowers. "Sorry, they died before I co—"

"Kiibo, I love them!" he hummed and quickly snatched the flowers from his date's gloved hand. "Dead or not, they're perfect..." he muttered. He soon realized what he said and tried to quickly come up with a clever remark so hide the fact that he was genuinely flattered by the gift.

"It's rude to interrupt, Kokichi," Kiibo reminded as he hadn't been given a chance to speak. "May I come inside or are you going to gawk forever?"

"R—" he stumbled back a bit, making room for Kiibo to enter his house. "Right." the purple haired male was certainly not used to such a snarky remark from the other. "My room is just upstairs, come with me." he scurried up the stairs, not even careful to not fall. It was clear he had done this hundreds of times. At least he didn't run up like an animal.

Kiibo followed behind. He was a bit conflicted when he entered Kokichi's room. It was so... neat. So clean. He wasn't used to this, Kokichi's backpack was always filled to the top with garbage.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't stare too much. I cleaned it for you because I know how much of a germaphobe you are. What's a robot like you doing worrying about diseases anyway? Aren't you logically immune to everything?"

"I wouldn't want to contract something on me and then pass it to you." he explained. "Viruses and bacteria can still stick to objects for a certain amount of time and if you touched me then there's a possibility you could contract it."

"Who says I want to touch you?!" Kokichi sounded offended.

"I—" Kokichi had harassed him countless times over things like this. "Kokichi..." he sounded like a stern parent.

"Sorrryyyy. You're right." he set the flowers on his nightstand and plopped down on his bed. He pat a spot for Kiibo and waited for him to join. Kiibo, of course, did and kept some distance between the two. Kokichi whined at this, he was obviously one for affection especially since they were alone.

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