7) I didn't know you fancied writing letters

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The one you are looking for can be in places where you send your favorite letter to

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The one you are looking for can be in places where you send your favorite letter to.


There were two things that came into my mind after reading that note.

Number one : Did that mean mils dad send letters to our school. Not just letters, favorite letters!

Number two : Who in the world would sign an anonymous letter anonymous. I mean isn't that obvious that it was anonymous!

And just like that I came to two conclusions,

Conclusion one: Mr.Andrews was fooling us or he himself is a fool

Conclusion two : whoever wrote the letter was a damn idiot.

Happy with my conclusions I looked forward.

"Are you joking?" Mils asked in a confused embarrassed voice.

"That's exactly what I thought when I saw this. But it was meant for me. Only I can decipher it. To anybody else this was just a piece of thrash. Mils what do you think is my favorite letter?"

"I didn't know you fancied writing letters "

"It meant the alphabet. "

"Oh 'M' obviously "

"And which of those 'M's is my favorite?"

And it clicked. Favorite letter --M ~ millie. Andrews sends her to school.

But still he is an idiot.

"Huh?" Mils asked

I realized I said it aloud.

"I mean who would write such a dumb clue. At least he could have gone a little more mysterious with all that signing anonymous at the bottom."

"He couldn't have got enough time " Ace replied. "_or brains " Ace added as an afterthought.

I nodded agreeably. Definitely the latter.

"That person should be close to you." I added.

"Why, you think I am an idiot?" Ace asked.

"No idiot, I was talking to Mr.Andrews "

"Why ! Do you think I'm an idiot!" Mr. Andrews asked.

"Oh no!" I rolled my eyes.
"I wasn't referring to that. I meant to the fact that he knew your favorite letter was 'M' "

"Jay, anyone can find that out easily. I mean all his things are named by 'M'. Me, melissa, memo, mami, mascutty. "
He nodded.

"What is mammy?!" Ace asked

" Its mami not mammy " Mr.Andrews frowned

"Dads phone. And memo is his bike. Well you know mascutty "

If there was a thing called gaping at insanities,you would know what I was doing. Conclusion one was correct. Thank god jay! Two point perfect conclusions in one day.

"But still no one would have thought of something like that. I mean favorite color, favourite food, favorite song but favorite letter ? Nah that was uncanny" Ace voiced.


"I need you to be alert, observant and cautious. Report anything unusual. I need you guys. I still don't know if this is just a coincidence but everything weighs against it.And most importantly we still don't know if this letter is spam but anyway I will be near."

We nodded.

"Okay then, that's it. Time to go home."

"Eh, Mr.Andrews _ I _ ehh__ I want to confess something. " Ace said.

"What?!" We three eyed him.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to. After hearing this __ I don't know if it was important or not_"
Mil's dad's eyes nearly popped.

"What did you do!"

"I __ i ate those biscuits on the dashboard "

"Oh" I could feel Mr.Andrews reviving his breath as he walked towards the door. "But I still don't know if they are poisoned or not " he casually added.

"Yeah _ wait what!!"


"Mom, I'm home."

"Hey home, I'm mom"

Why isn't my eyes a soccer ball already with all the rolling it has to do lately.



"Please "


The lights became static showing a pattern of threads weaved together. A web. A thin strand holding them together. But it was stretching, fibres snapping out, it would only be seconds before the whole thing collapsed. I wanted to reach out, to hold the strands but my leg stood glued.

The last fibre stood, madly fighting with all the forces to keep them united.


And it broke.

I turned and faced a guy with purple eyes. It was like a mixture of purple and blue. But those eyes didn't meet me. In fact those eyes were staring at what was behind me, a broken web perhaps.

"No!" The guy gasped.

Turning back I saw the threads dissolve into the air, fading.

The guy grabbed my hand.

"Sapphire, one more is lost. I don't know how much more time we have. I need you to be safe and cautious. "

"Who are you? " I voiced.

"Me, I'm cerulean, call me Zane."

And boom, I'm back!!!! What just happened!!!
Guys I've been wanting to publish this for the past whole week, but I guess I was too lazy to do it. Maybe because I already knew every detail I was going to write, so it felt more like an assignment than writing.

Thanks for all the support you are giving me. I'm honored and so grateful for every little thing you do.

And a huge shoutout to CrazyBookWeirdo for supporting me and adopting me to the browser family. Ily so much. Make sure to check out her books.

I literally am too lazy to write anything more.

Biscuits: hi I am biscuits
Ace's stomach: hi I am ace's stomach
Biscuits: hi ace's stomach, i know who put those letters there
Ace's stomach : idc unless they're edible. If they are, spill the tea sis.

Biscuits: I hate tea, I drown in them. How dare you__

And biscuits fades away.....

*slow sad music


Ps, honestly I don't know what I was trying to do there.

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