15) fireflies

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"I was expecting you. What took you so long?"

I found myself in a field of tulips. It was beautiful. I could hear the guzzle of water flowing in the brook nearby and the tulips ever so slightly fluttered in the gentle breeze.

"What do you mean?"
It was zane. He looked at me with his purple eyes, holding in depth of mysteries but still so mesmerizing like the galaxies far far away. Sunlight lit his dark brown hair making it almost seem as if it was gold.

"Do you still remember me saph?"

"Yeah , you're zane, I know."

He smiled and let out a sigh.

"Do you know where you are? "


"Do you know what this place is?"

I looked around.I was in a field of tulips. But where was I? I had no idea. I had no recollection of such a place around my hometown.
I looked around confused.

"Where am I?" I gasped.

"You are dreaming saph."


"Look" he said as he held out and opened his hands. Fireflies flew out his hand emitting a golden glow.
"You can do that too" he said looking at me,his purple eyes tinting with some blue streaks.
"Here give me your hand" he said reaching out. I looked at him and placed my hand in his.

He closed my hands.
"All you have to do is wish for them "

I closed my eyes and pictured fireflies. I was starting to feel a warmth in my hand when my eyebrows rose in confusion. But where was I? Didn't he say I was dreaming.

"There you are! "
I opened my eyes and saw mark walking towards us.

"Uhm was I interrupting something?" Mark asked looking at our hands. I immediately let go and opened my hands and a single firefly flew out. It was a blue firefly.

"You really have a thing for blue, don't you" chuckled mark.

"Where am I Zane? "

"Hold up, you still haven't told her?" Mark asked raising his eyebrows.

"Told me what? What is this place?"

"Oh I thought, since u were holding hands and all, never mind."

"Can somebody just tell me what the fuck is happening!"

"You are in maerd, this is where dreams happen"


"Saph, you're dreaming now. This is your dream." Mark piped in.

This was weird. If I dreaming, this is probably the weirdest dream I ever had. I pinched myself hard.

"Oww" it had hurt and there was an impression of my nails on my hand.

Zane chuckled.
"Saph,just because you're in a dream doesn't mean this isn't real."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that a dream is just as much real as reality when you are dreaming. "

"Okay this is getting weird. I'm gonna have a headache when I wake up__ wait is this... , I'm having a derealisation episode, am'nt I. "

"No you're not. Saph we're all in danger, and in the midst of all that, you somehow lost your memory. And we don't have much time."

Okay now I'm going crazy. I probably should stop this. But why does all this feel real. I looked around , the tulip field stretched out for miles. I stood up looking around.

"Saph stop. We need to talk. We don't have much time."

I gasped as I woke up. The moonlight filtering in through my window illuminated my room.

What just did happen! I could already feel a headache. But the dream was so weird. It didn't make any sense. I started feeling giddy as I started pondering about my dream. It was making me sick.

I sneeked downstairs in my pj's. Everything was so still and kinda cold. Opening the fridge , I took out a tub of ice cream and sat on the counter. I needed some time to figure out what was happening. I saw cerulean. I remember mark. I remember everything that happened in my dream, the way they said I was dreaming. That felt like some inception stuff. Maybe something in the back of my head thought inception kinda dreams were cool. I don't know .

Why would I dream something like that. And the fact I dreamt myself saying that I was having derealisation. It all felt real. Even the pain when i pinched myself. I suddenly looked down onto my hand. There were no red marks. I pinched myself and felt a prick. And I saw a new mild red mark forming on my skin. Weird.

I sat a long time on the counter lost in my own thoughts. I guess I should go back to therapy. I got up back to put my empty ice cream container in the sink. Mom was gonna kill me for that in the morning but I was too tired to care now.

I climbed back into my bed and yawned. I had to get up in two hours which sucked. I switched off my bedside lamp as I snuggled into my blanket.

God let me have some good dreams.

Hiii, I'm back and this isn't proofread . Have a great day!!

P.S. Life hack: if you feel like your life is a mess, try cleaning your room. Somehow it works and makes you feel better. Doesn't fix your problems tho.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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