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It was late. Nia's hair was blowing with the cool breeze of the night. They decided to stay outside for a bit, drinking a few beers while sitting by the pool, dipping their feet in the fresh water.

They were really close, their knees touching. Just enjoying each other's company.

"Do you remember that time Polo and you dove into the pool and he broke his teeth?" Guzman laughed out loud. Nia followed. Then she took a sip of her beer.

"Joder, pobre, que ostia se dió" He paused. "We had some good times"

"I miss that..." Nia looked at him. He turned his head and was meet with her green eyes.

"Me too..." He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry... For everything. I promise Lu was just a hook-up. I never wanted to lose what we had"

Nia sighed. She felt that he wasn't the only one who fucked things up after all. She left and never called.

"I'm sorry too. I just disappeared and I knew you were having a hard time with Marina and..." Nia held back before saying Pablo's name. It was a tricky issue. He clenched his jaw and looked away.

"We can go back to how we were right?" He looked at her again. His eyes were a mix of hope, fear and anxiety. "You make me good Nia. I'm a better person when I have you with me"

Nia then realised how close they were. Just inches apart. She could even feel the heat radiating from his body. Her eyes drifted to his lips. She really wanted to kiss him.

Guzman opened his mouth to say something else when Nia closed the gap between them and kissed him. He was frozen for a second and then reacted to the feeling of her plump lips against his.

Her hands moved to the back of his neck while his cupped her cheeks. The kiss deepened before they had to break apart due to the lack of air. Guzman caressed her skin and rested his forehead against hers.

"I was dying to do this since you left" He whispered with his eyes still closed.

She smiled and stroked his blond hair.

"I'm here now. I'm not gonna leave".


The next day Nia woke up with a smile on her face. Even if she tried to hide it. Guzman being the reason.

They spent the rest of the night between kisses, laughs and drinks. He left to his house eventually, not wanting to rush things up.

She got up from bed still smiling like an idiot and went to the kitchen to had breakfast when his phone rang. It was Marina.

"Hey" She said while sitting on the kitchen stool.

"I'm sorry for leaving like that, Nia. I'm really sorry but I don't know what got into me" The redhead's voice echoed through the device. Nia chuckled.

"Don't worry babe, I was just worried. That guy... Nano? He looks like trouble, Marina..." Nia said thoughtful.

"He's a good guy, I'm sure"

"What about Samuel then? I thought you liked him" The brunette took a bite from the apple on the fruit bowl.

"I do... I'm just confused. Nano and I...We had sex" She giggled.

"I thought so..." Nia stated.

"Oye! Ahora que me acuerdo... Qué tal con mi hermano?"

Nia was expecting that question after pressing the "send" button on Marina's message the night before.

"We cleared the air... Everything's good again" She answered.

"Did you guys fuck? In that case I don't need details, I promise" Marina asked while chuckling. Nia followed.

"We made out but nothing apart from that"

Nia smiled again. She took another bite of her apple.


Monday again. That meant having to see all those two-faced bitches on school. But also meant seeing Guzman. Sunday night they spent talking by the phone while snuggled in bed. She even put more effort in her looks to see him.

She walked the school corridors while grasping her books. From the corner of her eye, she could see Marina sprawled out on the sofa. Nia chuckled and went to class.


Guzman spent the whole day looking for Nia, since they had no classes together that morning, but with no luck. Eventually, he saw her coming out of the water from the pool while a tender smile crept into his face. That swimsuit looked good on her though.

Nia lifted her face at the feeling of being watched and saw his blue eyes observing her from the benches. She got closer to him while taking off her googles and swim cap.

"Hola hola" The brunette sang happily as soon as she was next to him.

"Hola guapa... Ya veo que no te dura la resaca del sabado" He chuckled.

"You're getting old, Nunier" They both laughed.

What they didn't know was that a certain Latina was also observing the scene while getting enraged at the exchange of looks and smiles between them.


Nia was drying her hair in the changing room when she saw Lucrecia getting inside and closing the door. She knew this meant trouble.

The brunette turned around and leaned against the sink. She crossed her arms and looked at Lu with a smug smile.

"Hola Nia, querida" Lucrecia said while getting closer. She exposed her white pearls in her typical fake smile.

"What do you want Lu? I don't have time"

"I'll be clear, don't worry darling" Then Lucrecia wiped the smile of her face and looked at her challengingly. "I don't want you near Guzman, okay?"

Nia laughed ironically.

"And I should comply to that because...?" Nia chuckled, although she was starting to get pissed.

"He's using you. He had no problem in sleep with me this whole time since you left. Do you really think he cares about you?" Lucrecia breathed on her ear while twirling a piece of Nia's hair between her fingers. "Te lo digo como mujer. Porque no me gusta que los hombres jueguen con nosotras"

When Nia opened her mouth to respond, the Latina turned around and left saying "Buen día!"

Nia looked at her reflection on the mirror and thought for a second about Lucrecia's words. But then she wiped them off her head and continued getting dressed.

She got out of the changing room and walked through the corridors. She stopped by her locker to retrieve some books she needed in order to study.

In the distance she saw Guzman's back and smiled. Then she also noticed Lucrecia talking to him, which made her clench her jab. The Latina saw Nia too and a smug smile crossed her face. She then grabbed Guzman's tie and kissed him in front of the brunette watching from the corridor.

Nia closed her locker door forcefully and left before seeing Guzman push her away quickly.

"Fuck men..." Nia muttered.



I love Lu's character but I need her to be a lil bit bitchy now... haha!

I'll update soon babes, hope you're all safe!

How's quarantine going so far? Here in Spain things are getting better, but we still have 3 more weeks ahead... 


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