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"What was that?" Marina looked at Nia with accusing eyes.

"What was what?" Nia chuckled while spinning Marina around following the music's rhythm. She knew perfectly what the girl was talking about. Guzman.

"You and Guzman. You were getting along for once since you came back..." Nia rolled her eyes and grabbed another glass of champagne.

"We were just talking, calm your tits!" She exclaimed while sipping from the drink.

They looked at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.


The night went by and everyone (surprisingly) was getting along. Even Nadia, Samuel and Christian were dancing too.

She could see from the corner of her eye how Guzman looked at her. And also, how Lu tried to get Guzman's attention.

Everything was cool until... Ander puked into Lucrecia's skirt. She made a fuss over it and Guzman followed her to get cleaned. Marina couldn't hold her laughter anymore.

"Hey, Nia?"

Carla and Polo approached her. Nia knew the pair like the back of her hand. After all, they were friends for a long time. That's why she was surprised when Carla spoke her name. Because they never do anything for free.

"Yeah?" She turned around to face them. To Nia's surprise, they looked truly interested in talking to her.

"Look... We wanted to tell you that despite not knowing from you for a long time... We're glad you're back" Polo said. Nia tried to see the sneer in his eyes but found nothing.

"We're sure we all can get back to how we used to be" Carla grabbed her hand. "After all, Guzman is not the only one who missed you".

Nia was speechless. She was really close to them, so it was understandable that they were annoyed at her for leaving. Even more when she didn't call any of them.

"Thanks guys. I hope so" Nia grabbed her glass and raised it while smiling. "To us then".

They spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing.


Nia was walking absentmindedly through the house corridors when she heard a ruckus in the entrance. She tried to run as fast as she could, given the fact that she was wearing high heels and that she had too many champagne glasses.

"How dare you come to this house to insult me and my family? Who do you think you are fucking clown?" Guzman was going to punch some random guy when he was hit in the side of his face. Polo and Ander tried to compose him.

"What are you doing?!" Marina shouted.

"You don't deserve my brother. Shove your money up your asses!"

After shouting a few more things at them Guzman walked past the group and got inside the house. Nia followed him.

"Hey! What the fuck was that? Who was that guy?"

Nia approached Guzman while he was chugging a glass of whisky. He simply looked at her and brought his hand to cup the place where he was punched.

"Does it hurt?" She whispered.

"It's nothing. Don't worry"

Nia removed his hand gently and stroked his cheek. A slight bruise was starting to form, and she bit her lip concerned.

When the girl diverted her eyes from his cheek, she noticed Guzman was already looking at her. She got lost on his orbs and felt how he leaned in while looking at her lips. She gulped and closed her eyes too. Nia felt Guzman's nose touch hers and waited for the kiss... That never happened.

"Guzman..." Polo interrupted. He then noticed the situation he walked in on. "Shit, sorry...".

The pair parted and Nia avoided Guzman's eyes.

"I have to go..." She hummed.

"Nia..." Guzman called but it was too late. The girl didn't turn around and kept walking to the entrance. 


Hello! New part for you! 

I've just finished season 3 and... wow. What an end. Hope they make season 4...


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