:~Beach Trip Pt.3 & Start of the Summer Camp!~:

Start from the beginning

"I'll go search for him, be right back." Tamaki spoke with a sigh. He was worried Mirio got himself lost, which was something Mirio would do. He stood back up and made his way out. Nejire and (Y/N) wished him luck on his expedition.

Tamaki knew that Mirio can handle himself, 100%, but his navigation is the worst thing ever. He would get distracted by one thing after another and end up losing his way. He would do it often has a child, making (Y/N) and Tamaki look for him often.

10 minutes soon grew into a half hour of Tamaki walking around to find Mirio. He became slightly frustrated that he couldn't find his friend. He thought that Mirio couldn't have been far, but he was starting to think that Mirio possibly went into town and lost his way back to the beach.

'I swear Mirio, if I go back to the girls and find you there I'll strangle you.'

Tamaki was agitated at his friend, but soon used one of (Y/N)'s breathing exercises that she taught him to calm him down. He decided it would be best to lightly job back to the girls. Not anticipating that it was a lot more challenging to run in sand more then anything, but he still did it and made it back in no time.

Arriving back, he learned that Mirio was still missing. He facepalmed and let out a frustrated groan.

"I wonder where he could have run off to." Nejire questioned while putting her index finger to her cheek. (Y/N) shrugged while sighing.

"Knowing him, he probably kept getting distracted by cool things and got himself lost in town." she spoke in frustrated manor. Nejire let out a light laugh at her statement.

"You're right there!"

Tamaki turned his head towards the town, wondering if he should go look for his friend there this time. He felt something touch his leg and looked down. He saw (Y/N) lightly poking him to get his attention. He sat down next to her, the noise he made indicating that she had his attention.

She looked around his chest level as she spoke, "Rest for right now Tama, Mirio will be fine on his on."

Tamaki only let a sigh and reluctantly agreed to rest. She smiled softly as she went to try and grab his hand, but was failing because she couldn't see it. He let his body move on it's own and grabbed her hand for her, intertwining their fingers together. A light blush painted the silver-haired girl, but Tamaki's face was getting fully red from initiating it.

Nejire started to tease Tamaki for his red face while (Y/N) let out small, cute giggles. Tamaki used his free hand to cover his face in embarrassment, only fueling his blue-haired friend to tease more.

Soon the teasing died down as the girls chatted amongst themselves, Tamaki joining in sometimes when they asked for his opinion. He didn't mind not being in the conversation, he enjoyed just listening to (Y/N)'s gentle voice as she spoke away with Nejire. He rested his head on his propped up knees, the left side of his cheek on his knees, while he just stared at (Y/N).

She would occasionally look at him and gave him a loving smile and squeeze his hand. In return he would just get flustered, but always gave a small smile back.

This went on for about an hour, a small growl came from (Y/N)'s stomach as she blushed lightly from embarrassment. Nejire lightly giggled at her friend, while Tamaki's attention was fully on (Y/N) now.

"Are you hungry (Y/N)? We can go get something to eat if you want?" Tamaki suggested.

(Y/N) nodded her head in agreement, "Yeah...I'm quite hungry, but I don't want to burden you with having to guide me around and telling me the food you see at stands."

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