Chapter 1

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Hey Nate,

The holidays have barely started and luckily I'm not bored at all. Snape has given us far too much homework. I think he didn't exactly like how the year has ended. But he's an adult, he should know that a five page essay of all the uses of unicorn hair is way too much. Has he ever actually been a student?

Anyhoo, now that little rant is over and done. How are you, I hope spending time at your mother's isn't boring or anything.

The boys and Natasha just came back from a mission and there's going to be a party. I am required to show myself as well for a bit, but as Rhodey's niece, not Natasha's goddaughter. I wish you here, it would be way more fun.

I'm still getting used to the compound, itś pretty big, but it is rather strange how bathroom there are. My room is nice, but I'm still unpacking. I've disclosed a picture of the view. It's rather different from the city. I kind of miss all the lights, but it's far more calm here, I do miss getting groceries five minutes from home.

Please write back soon, and don't forget to say hi to your mother, and your dad of course.


I finished my letter and looked into what I wanted to wear. I looked at my clothes and chose for a yellow, off-shoulder dress, with frills on the sleeves that reached like twenty centimetres above my knees. It was a summer's dress, but it looked really cute. I looked in my mirror as I adjusted my glasses.

Looks good.

'Leo?'  I heard Natasha call from somewhere in the compound.

'Yes?' I yelled back. No response.

'Yes?' I yelled again, harder this time. No response.

'YES?'  No response again. I groaned and walked to the kitchen where Natasha was probably calling from.

'Are you ready to go?' She asked.

'Yes.' I said a bit more disgruntled than intended.


The party was... alright. I did some mingling, lying about my school of course, but it was fun to see how creative I could get without sounding absolutely ridiculous. I was getting a bit tired so I wanted to get myself a coke at the bar. Steve just walked away from Bruce telling him that he had seen Natasha flirting, up close, and that this wasn't that.

Yo, what now? Bruce and Nat? I shook my shoulders. I guess.

When the party was finally over, the boys were testing whether they could lift the hammer, when one of Tony's robots... interrupted us. 

'Worthy? No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers.' It said, no, it groaned, is there a way for how robots say things?

'Stark?' Steve asked.

'Jarvis?' Tony tried, but no response.

'I'm sorry, I was asleep.'  It went on. 'Or I- I  was a dream.'

'Reboot legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit.'

'There was this terrible noise.' The robot brought his hand to his head, like it had a headache. 'And I was tangled strings.' He sounded disgusted. 'I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy.'

'You killed someone?' Steve asked in his all-American righteousness.

'Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices.'

A new home (Part 2 Of The Leonora Grace Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ