Day 2

103 4 0

Vergil: (Y/N).

- SSSexy(Y/N) joined the conversation. -

You: Hi Verg

Y: Hru?

V: Hru?

Y: A sorry. How are you?

V: I’m fine. I guess.

Y: Hmm

V: (Y/N)?

Y: Yeah?

V: Have I?

Y: Have you what?

V: About yesterday. Have I offended you?

Y: Omg y would u say that?

V: …

Y: I mean no! Ofc not!

V: Ofc?

Y: A sorry! I mean, of course not

V: I see.

Y: And ah

Y: Take it easy on Dante will u? U know how he is

Y: He’s just playing around

Y: Dont take him too srsly

Y: I mean! Seriously. Thats it

V: Well, about that.

V: It is too late.

Y: Hmm?

V: Mind not what I said.

Y: Ahh, sure?

Y: 👌

~ A few minutes later ~

V: (Y/N)?

Y: Yeah?

V: About what I told you yesterday.

Y: It’s ok Verg

Y: Dont think too much bout it

V: What I’m trying to say is,

Y: Hmm?

V: About you flirting with me.

V: Do you really not intend on doing exactly that?

Y: O.O

Y: >\\<


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