Chapter 3) Past Was Beautiful

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Arin didn't said anything to her Just staring at her intensly .

Pain was visible on her face . .

Dua wiped her tears and looked outside of the window of his house . Dark night was screaming about her dark life . Her life was full of ups and downs but never turned out like this Darkest , Creepiest and Scariest

I was nineteen years old and went back to my Home Town and there a surprise was waiting for me .......

Flashback Six Years Ago :-

Patna , Bihar !!

Dua .. Dua .. Dua .. .... ,, Her name was disturbing her sleep own beauty sleep

Dua ... ,, She heard male voice and knew who was calling her

She groaned and hide her face in the pillow

Dua Utha Jao beta ( Dua wake Up daughter ) ... ,, Her father was shaking her body but she was not in the mood to leave her precious bed and pillow

Papa ... ,, She said in her hoarse voice and sneak peak at her father who was ruffling her Curly hair lovingly

Good Morning Papa ... ,, She said and her father smile at her

Wake up and my friends are coming to meet me and you are still sleeping ... ,, Her father said and she sat down on her bed

Which friends Papa ? .... ,, Dua asked and collected her messy hair

Beta I told you a week ago about my friends that they'll come here to meet and they will also visit Patna Sahib Ji ... ,, Her father replied and Dua slapped her forehead

Sorry Papa I forget about their visit ... ,, Dua said and went to the bathroom .

Her father shook his head at his childish daughter

Come soon . Break fast is ready ... ,, Her father said and Dua looked at her father

Are you not going to Mart ? ... ,, Dua asked and started brushing her teeth

No , Staffs will handle the Mart today .... ,, Her father said and glanced at the picture of his beloved wife who was smiling widely in the picture while holding her newly born baby in her arms .

Her father left the room and he put breakfast in the plates . Dua came and suddenly pounced over the parathas .
Her looked at her and smiled .

Dua dress nicely beta ... ,, Her father said and she stopped eating her breakfast

Huh ? Why are asking me to dress Properly ? Am I not in proper dress ? .... ,, Dua asked and pouted dramatically

No beta ... ,, Her father shook his head and looked at his daughter

I'm just asking you to wear something else ... ,, Her father said and arranged his own plate

What do you mean Papa ? I always dress nicely . I never wear short dresses or anything revealing dress too Papa ... ,, She said lowly and ate her breakfast unwilling .

Her father sighed loudly while looking at his sad daughter .

I'm Sorry beta ... ,, Her father apologied and she smiled at her father

It was true Dua always dress according to the time , situation and place but outside of the house or in her college but not inside of the house . Dua loved to wore anything she got in her hands .

Beta I'm just telling you this that my friends are coming with their families so wear shorts or skirts whatever you like . I don't mind but please spare my lungi today . ... ,, Her father said and Dua choked paratha in her throat .

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