88° Quarantine With You

Start from the beginning

“You okay, babe?”

“Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a phone call with my sister, asking how they are.” I sighed “I hope this will end soon.”

“I know, it's been crazy.” He said while gently swaying us side to side

Niall's little actions can make all of my stress go away in a heartbeat, that's why I love him so much. With his arms wrapped around me, I feel safe and secure. The way he give me a peck on the temple makes me feel loved. He makes me fall in love with him more and more every single day.

“Did you eat already?”

“No, I'm not really hungry.” I answered

I haven't been eating much since day one of the quarantine. My anxiety had gotten worse since all of this happened making me ruined my mental health.

“You have to eat something. We have to be healthy to boost our immune system, love.” He said “Come on, I'll make us some food.”

He took my hand with his and we walked over to his kitchen. I sat on one of his bar stools as he was taking out some eggs, fruits, and vegetables on his refrigerator. He also took out his nutribullet out of his kitchen cabinet.

“Do you want cereal?” He asked “I have Cheerios, Corn Flakes, and Fruity Pebbles.”

“You have Fruity Pebbles? You don't eat Fruity Pebbles.” I giggled

“Well I bought it for you. It's been here for months now, but I can assure you it's not yet expired.” He said making me chuckle “So Fruity Pebbles?”

“Yes please and thank you.” I said as I patiently wait him prepare our breakfast

He is making himself a porridge and then he made a protein shake for the both of us.

“Cheers!” He said as he raised his spoon and I clanked it with mine


When we finished eating, I helped Niall cleaning all of the dishes and putting them on to there respective places.

“What do you want to do today? I don't have an online interview today, it's my free day.” He said “Actually, I'll be free until the virus is all over. Maybe a few interviews there and there. But I'll be free.”

“Anything.” I simply answered

I really don't know what to do, I finished reading all of the novel books that Niall has on his bookshelves while he had his online interviews and Instagram lives.

“Netflix?” He asked

“Sure.” I nod

“Are you sure you're really okay?” He asked as he pressed the back of his hand on my forehead

“I'm not sick.” I answered “I'm fine, babe.”

“I noticed that you haven't been yourself lately, what's wrong?” He asked and I just shrugged

“I'm just not comfortable with all of the shit that is going with the world right now. It's driving me crazy and I can't stop overthinking.” I answered “I can't stop thinking about my sister and my parents. I'm sure they are perfectly fine, but I can't have a peace of mind and I don't know why. I'm having anxiety attacks at night and I'm so scared Niall!” I screamed and started to cry

He quickly embraced me as I was pouring all of my emotions out “Oh baby, I'm sorry. I should have known.”

“No, it's not your fault. I must be thanking you for always being there for me.” I said “I just want it to all go away, Niall.” I added as I hugged him tighter

“It will be over soon, love. Just hang in there.” He said as he kissed my forehead “Stop crying now, beautiful. I can't bear to see you like this.”

“I love you so much.” I said

“I love you too. Let's watch some movies and eat all the junk foods in the pantry. How's that sound?” He asked making me chuckle

“As if you'll eat unhealthy today. You're too strict with your diet and work out.”

“I'll break all the rules just to see you smile and make you feel better.” He said as he wiped all of the tears out of my face “So?”

He really didn't have to try. He is all I need after all.


“Now there's that beautiful smile.” He said “Do you feel better now?”

“Much better.”

As long as we are quarantine together, we'll be alright.

He got me and I got him, always.

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