Finally Opening Up

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Troyes P.O.V.

I was anxious waiting for Tyler to get here. His plane is supposed to land in 15 minutes and I didn't know what I was going to say to him. Normally around him I won't stop talking but this time I don't have anything to say. The cuts say everything.

All of a sudden I hear someone calling out my name, but I've gone into a daydream so I don't know where the voice is coming from. I can tell it is Tyler's from the way he talks, but my body wont let me out of my mind. This has been happening a lot lately and my family has been worried about me. My mom even told me I should go to the doctors to see about it. Of course, I didn't go and just figured it would stop and go away.

I can feel his hand on my arm shaking me and I finally get out of my day dream. Tyler wraps me in a hug and I can feel his warmth around my body. Without hesitation, I wrap my arms around him and bury my head in his shoulder. Even though he is shorter than me, my head fits perfectly onto his shoulder and I can feel his steady breath against my neck. I soon fall into another daydream, wanting to stay in this moment forever.


Tyler sat me down on the bed and stood in front of me. We were both quiet and after a while of Tyler staring at me he finally spoke.

"Roll up your sleeves. Now." Tyler demanded.

Scared of what he might do if I didn't, I slowly rolled up my sleeves, revealing scars running up and down my arms. He took a deep breath in and closed his eyes. He slowly reopened his eyes and sat down next to me.

"You cant keep doing this. But before you tell me I don't understand, I do. I know that you are doing it to try and get rid of pain from emotions that you are feeling. But its not worth it. It will only make those feelings go away for a little while, not forever. But I can help you, and I want to help you! So please, let me in and tell me what you are feeling. I won't judge you or blame you for what you are feeling." he explained. After a few minutes of quiet, I agreed to open up to him.

"Tilly I just feel really depressed I want someone to be with me." I say while tears trickled down my face.

Lots of tears were shed. From both of us, but I could tell Tyler was trying to be strong.

After a while, we were both getting tired so we laid down. Wrapping his arms around me again, he pulled me into him, a tear rolling down his cheek. I hugged him, tucking my head into his chest and taking a deep breath, it was really shaky. Not to be creepy or anything, but Tyler smelled really good, like flowers and sunshine, is that even possible? Eventually we both fell asleep in each others arms, in a blissful sleep, not knowing that both of us wanted to savor this moment for the rest of our lives.

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