Chapter 2

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I walk around the Glade. Newt presented me to a couple of the Gladers. For example Zart, Clint, Jeff, Frypan or Fry, Gally which he told me to stay away from, Minho, and Winston. I really like the garden, so I walk over to Zart and ask if I can hang around, until Newt's done talking to Alby. "Sure, wanna help me tying up the tomatoes?" "Yeah, that'll be fun"

After Zart explains how to do it I get to work. After 10 minutes I had tied up 4 tomato plants. Zart walks over to me. "Holy shuck Greenie, I could use your help on a daily basis" "Thanks" I say actually impressed with my work. I sit down to take a break as Newt walks over. "So wanna see where you're sleeping?" he asks looking into my eyes. "Yeah, sure" I say, and I can hear how exhausted I sound. "You seem tired" "Just a little" I turn to say goodbye to Zart, but he's already walking towards us. "I don't think she needs to try out jobs. She's amazing in the garden" Newt looks at me questioning what had happened. "Oh yeah, I walked over and asked if I could hang around. You were taking forever with Alby" "I see" Newt looks back at Zart. "She has to try the other jobs, but I'll think about it" Zart nods and says goodbye to me. I wave back to him af I walk away with Newt. "So Alby doesn't want you to sleep with the other boys. So you'll have my room until the builders make another bed" I look surprised "Where are you going to sleep?" "Well either the floor, unless my old hammock is still hanging outside with the others" I look back down. "I could take the floor since I'm new here" I mumble not sure if he heard me. "No, you're not sleeping on the floor. I will tie you to the bed if I have to" he says and I start laughing. "Sure you are" I start blushing.

- Time skip -

I didn't have any other clothes and my shirt was really dirty. So Newt said I could have one of his. I found a white long sleeved shirt and put it on. It is WAY to big so I roll up the sleeves, and tie it like a crop top. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in" I yell as I put my hair into a ponytail. Newt comes in and doesn't say anything. I look over at him and see a surprised expression. "Does it look that bad" I ask looking at the shirt. "No no no, you look. You look great" I blush a little and look down to hide it. "Eehm, the bonfire starts in a minute. You should get out here" I look up at him and walk past him out the door. "You coming?" I ask and reach out my hand for him to take it. 'Wow, I have become comfortable around him' I think as he takes my hand. We walk over to the bonfire. Most eyes were on me which makes me very uncomfortable. Minho walks over to me and Newt. He looks at me than Newt. "Is she wearing your shirt?" he asks Newt. "Yes, her shirt was covered in dirt so I gave her one of mine" Minho smirks at me, smiles and then walks off. I walk over to a circle of boys, I squeeze my way through to the front and see Gally wrestling with someone. Maybe Jeff, but I'm not sure. I watch Gally's movements, he's slow, he looks where he's going to attack. 'Why hasn't anyone beaten him jet?' I think as Gally pushes him out of the circle. It was Jeff.

Gallys eyes suddenly fall on me. "Wanna give it a go Greenie?" he walks up to me with a smirk on his face. "Sure eyebrows. And wipe that smirk off your face" "Why, is it distracting you?" I look at the boys around me. "So any rules to this or what?" "Yeah, I try to push you out of the circle. And you try to last more than 5 seconds" the crowd fills with a lot of oohs. "Go ahead then" Gally looks at my arm. As he runs towards me I quickly bend down so he trips over me and lands face first in the sand. The guys are cheering as I look around. I see Newt come to the front of the circle looking at me. Gally gets back up and looks at my feet. 'Great, guess we're jumping now' I think as he tries to grab my feet. I jump to the side as Gally stops his movement. Then before I can analyse his face he knocks my feet from underneath me. I land hard on my back. I cough a couple of times, and then Gally's on top of me. His fist meets my jaw. Then a second time in the exact same spot. After the third punch someone pulls Gally off me. I sit up slowly and look over at him. Gally's lying on the ground with Minho on top of him yelling at him. I can taste the blood in my mouth as I start to stand up. Everyone was standing around Gally, well except for Newt, Zart and Clint. Clint runs over and asks if I'm okay. "Yeah, I'm fine" I say as I start to walk away. I hear Zart saying something but I can't make out what. Then I feel someone grabbing my wrist and spin me around. Newt.

"You sure you're okay?" he asks looking into my eyes. I nod slowly, clearly lying. I still have some blood in my mouth. "Just a sec" I say as I turn around to spit out the blood. "That doesn't look okay to me" he says and I don't react. I can feel tears forming in my eyes. My jaw is still hurting like hell. I tried so hard not to be the shy girl, but that didn't work. I sit down on the grass and feel the tears streaming down my face. Newt sits down next to me and pulls me over so my head is resting on his shoulder. "I tried" I say through my sobs. "What did you try?" Newt asks still holding me close to him. "Not to be the shy girl, being out there, doing something. But instead I end up like the little girl crying" I can feel Newts head turning so he's looking at me. "So that's what you tried to do" he lifts my chin so I'm looking right into his eyes. 'Damn those eyes are beautiful' I think as I can feel myself blushing. "Don't EVER do that again" he says in a firm voice. "We can't have you going around fighting these shanks and getting hurt" I smile slightly. We sit there for a couple of minutes and then decide to go to bed.

I got my name back the next morning, after a nightmare. I just don't remember the dream.

Newt x Reader ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now