Among the parked vehicles were the other riders and their connected support teams, all hustling about doing their final pre-race checks and preparations.

Checking tyre pressures, oil levels, temperature gauges and all the other bits and bobs that racing people cared so much about. Marvin very rarely got involved with it all, preferring to leave that to his pit crew. After all, that was their job. His job was to drive. Theirs was to fix and maintain.  As a highly trained group of people, they had spent years of their finite life learning the complete inner workings of all Luna machines. Marvin truly believed that they could dismantle and put back together any Luna bike blindfolded. He trusted in their expertise. As long as the bike worked, Marvin didn't need to know the ins and outs of how it did.

Being amongst the low gravity hustle and bustle was like walking (or waddling) through one giant advert. Everything that wasn't either the track, or a moon rock, was covered in advertising. The side barriers, television camera towers, bikes, suits and supporting buildings formed a collage of slogans, quotes and pictures. Just like the races back on earth, each team had their own main sponsor who had paid an unearthly amount of money to have their advert up here. The connected logos and slogans printed on the bikes and items of clothing.

The pressurised suits, which kept everyone from freezing to death  turning their soft body's into badly flavoured ice-lollies, were essentially walking billboards,  covered head to toe in related adverts. The main focus for Marvin's suit was Space-X, however he was also sponsored by his local brewery back on Earth, having "Out of this world beer!" written across his back.

"Here he comes, the drink driver!" came through on Marvin's intercom, his HUD display informing him that they were the words of Anton Haas, a fellow rider, a good laugh. The drink driver being a frequent joke he made at Marvin's expense due to his previously mentioned alcohol themed sponsor.

Looking up ahead Marvin could see his bright green suit glistening in the intense sun as he came round the front wheel of his equally green bike.

"Well I thought I ought to get a little drunk in order to make the race fair on you." Marvin smiled, not that Anton could see him smile under the visor.

"Oh did you? Thank you, so considerate."

"I try."

"Well I'm feeling good today. Ready to go and switched on! So watch out!"

Marvin pointed to the sponsor logo on Anton's bike, a very popular energy drink. "You've had one of those then?" He asked as he drifted past.

"Oh lord no! Can't stand them, taste like rat piss! I would rather punch a tree down with my bare hands then have another can of that monstrosity. Besides, I don't drink before I race, unlike some." He chuckled. Mounting the bike as he did.

"That's not what you say at the press conferences! I thought you have one before every race to get your game on!" (Get your game on, was the drinks famous slogan.)

"Yeah, it's amazing what I will do for a pay check." Anton laughed while Marvin continuing his march towards the font of the Queue. "It's not as bad as Dani mind." Anton continued.  "He claims to enjoy a nice slice of Western-Hills cheese after a race when I know for a fact he's lactose intolerant! I like to think I'm not that bad."

Marvin nodded inside his helmet, "Yeah that is pretty bad, but he gets away with it because he looks good, he has a good face to attach to a product. He could be selling U-bends for toilets and I would still buy!"

"You saying I don't look good?" Anton queried.

"Well put it this way. I'm glad these visors are mirrored. Seeing your rotten face before a race would put me right of my focus, imagine if you won! Your glorious mug printed all over the world on posters and magazines. It would be a disaster!" Marvin replied in his usual sarcastic tone.

"Well it would certainly be better than seeing Lukaz's face all over the place. Let's agree that no matter what happens today, we make sure that man doesn't win."

Marvin laughed cheerfully "Agreed. If that happens, the apocalypse can't be far behind."

"If he wins, which might I point out, statistically he's incredibly likely to. I might take a page out of your book and get very, very drunk."

"Well the beers will be on me, or my sponsor at least."

"Ok, I will hold you to that." Anton concurred, before sitting down atop his florescent green bike. "Anyway shut up now I'm plugging in and good luck!"

"Ok see you after, good luck." Marvin concluded before the com-link was cut off, leaving him once again alone with his thoughts.

Continuing past a few more riders, some of which he spoke to, Marvin finished his walk down advert avenue, reaching his own Luna bike.

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