When I get to my car, I see Andrew pulling into the parking lot. Joy. I hope he doesn't ask to come with me. He's a killjoy at parties and bars. It's like he's scared to ruin his good boy image. Newsflash, college chicks don't like good boys.

He parks in his usual spot, two places down from me. I see the dirty blonde in his passenger seat and i mentally groan. He's definitely not coming anywhere with me if Callie has to come too. I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty screwdriver than have a conversation with her.

Plus, for some reason it pisses me off that he humped and dumped Madison, his best friend, only to get with Callie.

"Hey man, where you going?" Andrew calls as he climbs out of his car, followed by Callie. She smiles at me, but I don't return the favor.

"Just going to grab a drink with Cameron and Jordan. I'll be back later." I hit the unlock button on my key fob and open my door.

Callie whispers something into his ear and giggles. Andrew's eyes widen before his lips spread into a grin.

"You're not fucking on my bed. Or my couch. Or in my kitchen." I deadpan. It's not entirely my couch or my kitchen, but I don't care. If I came home and saw Andrew's bare ass nailing Callie on the couch, I'd kick his ass into next year.

"C'mon, bro, get real. I'm not that disgusting." He scoffs, but by the look in Callie's eyes, I know she's disappointed.

"So, what time do you think you'll be back?" Callie asks. Her voice is too nasally and high pitched. I'd prefer to listen to nails on a chalkboard.

"No clue." I mumble and get into my car. Fortunately, my windows are tinted so Callie can't see me flipping her off.

She waves at me before she follows Andrew inside. I swear if I find out they've done anything in my bed, I'll murder him and make her watch. I don't really care if they do anything in the shower so long as they sanitize it after. I've never had shower sex, it's just not something that interests me. Girls expect you to be all lovey-dovey and wash their hair, but that's too much for me.

It's dark by the time I reach the bar. I find Cameron and Jordan sitting at the counter. I slap Jordan on the back before I take the stool next to his.

"Nice for you to join us." Jordan laughs and slides me a beer. I notice there's a giant hickey on his neck.

"Wow, someone got you good." I point to my own neck.

"Hey, I'm telling you, my girl's a freak." He chuckles and brings his own beer to his lips.

I can't imagine Carly, or whatever her name is, being a freak. Actually, I think her name is Claire. That's besides the point. I think that girl's so innocent, there's an imaginary halo that's always on top of her head. I guess that would be right up Jordan's alley.

"Where's Kassie?" I look at Cameron. Kassie's one of Madison's friends, so maybe if Kassie comes, so will Madison. She's pretty pissed at me because of the whole thing with Alyssa. I don't see why she cares so much. If the roles were reversed, I know Alyssa wouldn't bat an eye if Madison asked for help. She even told me that Madison was ugly and she didn't understand why Andrew was friends with her. The truth is, Alyssa's just an insecure bitch.

"With Madison." He shrugs. I knew it.

I want to tell him to call her up and invite them to hangout, but I don't want to seem like a pussy. I look around the bar, hoping to find a little distraction for the night. There's a cute redhead playing pool. She's wearing leggings and when she bends over, I can see her red thong. She has a nice ass.

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