Bakushima A (part one)

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         Kiri POV

        I don't know why I agreed to this game in the first place, but it was game night so here I am playing truth or dare with all of class 1-A. To make matters worse, I was sitting right next to my crush, Bakugou. I've liked him for a while now, but never really admitted it until about a week ago while I was talking to Mina.

3rd person POV

"Hagurake, truth or dare?" Mina asks.


"Can you see yourself?"


" Can you describe yourself to us?" Mineta, the grape looking pervert asked.

"" She replied. " Bakugou, Truth or dare?"

"Dare! I'm not a coward like the rest of these extras!" He replied.

" I dare you to be nice to everyone for the rest of the night! Including Midoriya!"

" Tch. Whatever." He says rolling his eyes.

BakuBabe POV

"Oi! Shitty hair! Truth or dare?" I asked. Truth be told I've liked him for quite some time now, but I think he might be straight. Even if he wasn't he probably doesn't like me as more than a friend. He's truly the only real friend I've made this year and the only one who will listen when I'm upset and put up with my bullshit. It doesn't even seem to faze him.


Okay, here's my chance. " What's s your sexuality?" I asked him.

"Um...." he looked around nervously.

A/N: Oooh! A cliffhanger! This one is a bit short so sorry about that. This is also my first fanfic so any suggestions or feedback on how to improve my writing is greatly appreciated! Have a good day peeps! 💕

(275 words)

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