Part 2

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Instead of driving home, like he said he was, he drove to his girlfriends house. She called because she said she was having trouble with her blog. Ryujin had a fashion blog full of fashion tips, and all that. She even had her own little clothing line.

Seonghwa was especially proud of her when her favorite clothing brand reached out to her, asking to do a project together.

Seonghwa knocked on her door and waited patiently.

"Hwa!" She beamed, hugging his waist. "Thank you for coming. I hope you weren't busy"

"Not at all, princess. What's wrong with your blog?" He asked, taking off his shoes at the entrance.

She walked over to the couch, and sat herself in front of her laptop.

"I can't edit the prices on the pieces, every time I try it just goes back to the wrong price." She said, turning her laptop for Seonghwa to see.

Seonghwa hummed, sitting next to her.

"It might be because you're trying to edit from the home page. Here," He said, putting the laptop on his lap.

He fixed her prices for her and handed her back her laptop.

"You're a lifesaver." Ryujin sighed in relief.

Seonghwa shrugged.

"We are who we are." He said.

"Also, I was invited by Prada to one of their events in Seoul. Will you go with me?" She asked.

Seonghwa smiled kindly.

"Of course, anything for my princess." He said, kissing her forehead.

Ryujin giggled and rested her head on his chest.

Ryujin was an amazing girl. Really. She cared about Seonghwa like no other. She was beautiful, talented, smart, and just overall incredible. Seonghwa was lucky to have landed a girl like her.


He arrived home pretty late, probably 10:30 or so. He had spent the day with Ryujin, helping her pick out what she would wear to the Prada event. Then they both took a nap.

He turned on his light, startled to see Hongjoong sitting on the couch.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" Seonghwa asked.

"I was too lazy to get up and turn on the lights." Hongjoong replied.

Seonghwa nodded awkwardly.

"And because Jongho broke up with me." Hongjoong said sadly.

"What? Why?" Seonghwa said, moving to the couch.

"Why else? Because I was a dick." Hongjoong sighed.

"I'm sorry" Seonghwa said quietly.

"It's okay. He wasn't my soulmate or anything. I guess I was just hoping he could help me move on..." Hongjoong trailed off.

"Move on from what?" Seonghwa asked.

"Move on" Hongjoong replied.

Seonghwa stayed silent for a moment.

"I didn't know there was a me you needed to move on from." Was all he could say.

Hongjoong shook his head.

"There isn't I just-" He paused. "I just wish I could forget everything that happened, you know? It would be so much easier."

"I agree." Seonghwa nodded slowly. "But hey, now that we're talking about it maybe we can move forward."

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