"You sure you gonna come back"?  Max asked.  "Maybe, maybe not, don't know yet, might not even go back to the cabin, we'll have to see," Alex says.  "Then I can't give you the keys," Max says.  "Fine, I'll walk," Alex says walking to the door.  Max grabbed her arm and said,"You're not go I going anywhere and you'll freeze to death". "Okay, what do you want me to do then"? Alex asked.  "Stay here," Max says. "She won't let me stay, you heard her," Alex says looking at her mom then back at Max.  "You can stay," Louise says.  "Come on," Max says pulling Alex towards the couch.  Max sat down and Alex sat down on his lap.  Alex hid her face in his neck so she wouldn't have to look at anyone.  "You okay"? Max asked.  "I don't even think she loves me anymore, she just cares about somebody she doesn't know more than her own daughter," Alex whispers to Max in his ear.

"Of course she loves you Alex," Max says.  "Max," Alex says.  "Yeah," Max says.  "I can't fell my hands, I'm freezing," Alex says.  "Chloe, come here," Max says.  Chloe walked over by Max and said,"What"?  "I need you to take all of your heat and reflect in on her," Max says.  "Why"? Chloe asks.  "Just do it," Max yelled.  "Fine," Chloe says.  Chloe rubbed her hands together and and she touched Alex.  Chloe pulled her hand back and said,"She's freezing".  Max put Alex on the floor and he checked her pulse, there was no heart beat and she wasn't breathing.  "No, no, this can't be happening," Max says," Chloe, just do it,please".   Chloe rubbed her hands together again and reflected all of her heat on to Alex.  "It's not working," Chloe says.

Louise came back into the family room and said,"Pick her up and follow me, and hurry up".  Max picked Alex up and she followed Louise into the bathroom and she had hot water in the tub and Max put her in it.  "Chloe, now do us and put all of your heat on the water," Louise says.  "Okay," Chloe says, doing what she was told.  She did that and and still, nothing, she tried again and it still didn't work.  "Mom, where are you"? Alex's twin sister Lilly asked.  "In the bathroom," Louise said.  Lilly ran into the bathroom and said,"What happened"? "She got cold again," Louise says.  "Shit," Lilly says taking Alex's hand.  In a matter of seconds Alex took a deep breath in and she was back.  Max helped her out of the water and took her up to her room, Lilly followed him.

"Can I talk to her alone for a second"? Lilly asked.  "Yeah," Max says walking g out of the room and closing the door.  Lilly said,"Let's get you out of those clothes".  "Yeah, let's do that," Alex says.  Alex got up and she walked over to her dresser and grabbed some warm pajamas, a sweatshirt, and some warm red socks.  "You okay"? Lilly asked.  "Yeah, I'm fine Lilly," Alex says.  "Wanna know how I knew to come here"? Lilly asked.  "How"? Alex asked.  "We're twins, I know everything about you, if you die, I die, I started feelings weak, and I knew in about and hour I'd be dead, that's how I knew something was wrong and I rushed over," Lilly says.  "I should have remembered that," Alex says. "You're cold spells coming back"? Lilly asked.  "I think, I just had one this morning, then right then and there I'm dead, but with the help of you, I'm still here," Alex says.

"Yeah, I couldn't live without you, literally, I can't, but you know what I mean," Lilly says. "Yeah,"Alex says.  "So, let's go downstairs, mom's making hot chocolate,"Lilly says.  They both got up and walked downstairs into the dinning room.  Chloe, Max, Kilie, and Katie were sitting at the table drinking hot chocolate.  Louise came out of the the kitchen and handed them a cup, she went back into the kitchen and grabbed herself a cup too.  Kilie and Katie ran of to go play and Chloe was just stating at Lilly.  "Who is that"?  Lilly asked pointing to Max.  "My boyfriend," Alex says.  Lilly put her hand up and Alex high fived it.  "You got a hottie, and he's nice," Lilly says,"not like your ex, what an Asshole, needs to learn to keep his freaking hands to himself".  Alex looked at Lilly and gave her a look to shut up and she got it.

"Who's that"? Lilly says, pointing at Chloe.  "That's Chloe, she doesn't like me," Alex whispered the last part.  "Then why is she here"? Lilly whispered to Alex.  "She wanted to come with me to the cabin, I thought we were friends, but you can just trust people, just like that, you know what I mean"? Alex asked.  "Yeah, I know what you mean," Lilly says looking at Chloe.  "Do you want her dead, or can get that done for you, if she's too much to handle"? Lilly whispered to Alex.  "No, I don't hate her that much, she's a big help, sometimes," Alex says to Lilly.  "So, are you guys identical twins"?  Chloe asks.  "Nope," Alex says.  "We're fraternal twins, do we look like we're identical twins"?  Lilly asks.  "No," Chloe says.  "Then why'd you ask if  we were"?  Lilly says.  Chloe didn't say anything, she didn't really like Lilly.

"Well, let's go," Alex says getting up.  "You're leaving already leaving, I just got here"? Lilly asked.  "Yeah, I have to go shopping, and I gotta do a lot of it too, Max and I will drop the stuff off at our place and then we'll come back here," Alex says.  "Yeah, let's go," Max says getting up.  "Well, I'm coming with you guys of course, I don't wanna be bored all day," Lilly says.  "Okay, let's hurry up cause I wanna get this over with," Alex says.  "You should change first," Lilly says.  "I like these pj's, but of I have to, I guess I will, I'm taking them with me," Alex says running upstairs to her room.  She went over to her dresser and she grabbed some black tights, a purple sweater and she went downstairs and said,"Okay, I'm ready".

"Alex," Louise says.  "Yeah," Alex says.  "Here's the stuff I thought you would need, it's not much, but I think it'll help out a little, I made you some soup too, just in case you get a cold or something," Louise says.  "Okay, thanks mom, I love you," Alex says.  "I love you too,"Louise says and gives Alex a hug.  She gave Lilly and Max a hug too, she waved to Chloe.  Max, Alex, and Chloe got into Max's car.  And Lilly got I to her car.

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