Seeing Mom

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Alex, Max, and Chloe got into Max's black Toyota Camry and they all put their seatbelts on and Max started the engine and the he started driving.  "Do you know where her house is"? Alex asked.  "Nope, where am i going"? Max asked.  "Okay, first you have to drive to town, so do that first," Alex says.  "Okay," Max says.  "You do know where that is, right"? Alex asked.  "Yeah, I know where that is," Max says.  "Okay," Alex says.  Max drove into town and said,"Where do I go now"?  Alex told Max where to go and then in about 15 minutes, they were at Alex's mom house that.  Alex got out of the car and, so did Max.  Alex walked to the door and she rang the doorbell.  Her mom Louise came and opened then door and gave her a hug.  "Hey sweetheart, I knew you were gonna come by sooner or later come in," Louise says.  "Okay, I'll be right back," Alex says.  "Okay," Louise says.

Alex ran back to the car and said,"Chloe, come on, I'm gonna freeze if I don't hurry up and get back inside".  "You go ahead, I'll wait in here," Chloe says.  "No, come on Chloe, I'm not gonna let you stay out here, you don't know what'll happen to you, now come on," Alex says.  "Why should I come with you? All you're gonna do is like to me again," Chloe says.  "Chloe, I swear I will never lie to you again, now let's go," Alex says.  "No, now leave me alone Alex, you don't wanna make me mad," Chloe says.  "Okay, then get out of the car and leave, because if you're gonna keep acting like this, you're not coming back with us to the cabin," Alex says.  "You don't mean that," Chloe says looking at Alex.  "Yes I do, now get out and leave, or get in the house, your choice," Alex says. 

"Fine, I'll go meet your stupid mom," Chloe says getting out of the car.  Before Chloe could even walk to the door Alex had her pinned to the wall by her neck.  "What did you just say about my mom"?  Alex says.  "Alex, I can't breathe, let me go, please," Chloe says.  "Yeah, and why should I do that"? Alex says.  "Because, I don't wanna hurt you," Chloe says.  "I'd like to see you try," Alex says.  Chloe formed a fire ball and pushed it into Alex.  Alex didn't seem affected by it, she wasn't because the water in her body put it out.  Alex let Chloe go and Chloe pushed Alex in the snow and Chloe ran into the house and she shut the door.  Alex got up and she walked to the back of the house and her little sisters that were eight and nine years old came, before she could even get her key out or knock on the door. 

"Hey Alex," they both said in unison.  "Hey guys," Alex says.  She gave them a hug and said,"Let's go in".  "Okay", they both say.  They went in and Alex followed them.  When they got in Alex closed the door and she locked it.  Alex walked into the family room and Louise, Chloe, and Max were sitting down talking.  "Hey mom," Alex says.  Louise looked at Alex and said,"Take your boots off Alex".  "Oh, sorry mom," Alex says taking her boots off and sitting them by the door.  Alex also took her hat, gloves, and coat off and she put them in the closet by the door.  She walked over to the couch and sat by Max and Chloe scooted over.  "Alex, I want you to apologize to Chloe," Louise says.  "Why"? Alex asked.  "Because, she's scared of you right now, and I want to make her comfortable," Louise says.

"Well, you told me when i was little if I didn't do anything wrong, don't apologize.  I can't apologize if I didn't do anything wrong, and what I have to say to that, mom," Alex says.  "Oh really, then if you won't apologize, then get out of my house right now, I will not have you disrespect me like that," Louise says.  "I cannot believe you, but if that's what you want fine, bye mom,"Alex says getting up and walking out if the house with out her coat.  Alex walked to the car and realized max had the keys.  She walked back into the house and said,"Max I need the keys to your car".  "Where are you going"?  "To the store of course, then I'll come get you and we can go back home," Alex says.  "Let me come with you," Max says getting up.  "No, I can go by myself, you stay here," Alex says.  "You sure"? Max asked.  "Yeah, I'm sure, I really don't wanna be here anymore, I thought I would enjoy it, but I guess not, so I'm leaving," Alex says. 

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