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                                                                                    Derek P.O.V

I walked into the tech room and saw the temporary tech. "Did you find anything?" I asked him. He jumped up, guess I startled him. Oops. "Y-yes. She went to high school with an Eric Andrews. Same graduating class. He moved to Virginia three years ago." The tech said. "Address?" I asked. He gave me the address and I ran out. "Derek!" I heard Hotch yell after me. "Where are you going?" Hotch said. "I found him Hotch, I found the guy who has Penelope." I said. "Let's suit up and go." Hotch said, going to gather the team.

                                                                                     Penelope P.O.V

I was sitting on the small bed in the corner of the room in a little ball. This has been horrible. He barely feeds, he hits me when I fight back, and he has raped me multiple times. "Penelope, I am home!" He yelled walking in the room.  I rolled my eyes and looked down. "Aww, what's wrong baby?" He asked. "What's wrong?! I've been kidnapped, beat, and raped! I just want to go home, but you being a psycho won't let me go!" I yelled. "Why can't you just love me! Why don't you love me!? What does Derek have that I don't!?" He yelled, he picked me up by my hair. "I've done everything for you! Why can't you just accept me!" He yelled. He threw me into the wall. "I love you Penelope!! Just love me back!" He yelled out. He walked over and started to kick me in my abdominal. "Penelope, you left me with no other choice. If you won't be with me, than I guess nobody can be with you." He said. "Eric, p-please don't." I said, as he pulled out a gun. I was on my knees looking up at him. "This is your fault! All this is your fault! We could've been a happy family, but you have to be a skank!" He yelled. "Good-bye Penelope." He said, he was about to pull the trigger, but a crashing sound distracted him. I tried to grap the gun, but then there was a sudden pain in my shoulder. "Penelope!" I heard my chocolate angel yell. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open. I saw Reid coming up to me. He bent down to my level. "Garcia, stay awake. Please stay awake." He said. "I-I am so t-tired though." I said, I started to close my eyes. "Penelope, stay awake, please we need you." He said. "I love you Reid." I said. I let out a painful sigh and than I slipped into darkness.

                                                                             Derek P.O.V

After we dealt with that creep, I walked back into the room we found Penelope and I saw Reid leaning over her, cover her wound with a blaket and he was yelling something. "Reid!" I yelled. He turned to me with tears streaming down his face. "Sh-she won't w-wake up Morgan." He said. "Spencer, she's gonna be ok. I promise." I said. I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince him or myself. Soon medic's came into the room. They got her all starped to the gurney. We followed them outside. I was about to get in the ambulance, but a lady tapped my shoulder. I turned to face her. "Sir, I am sorry, but only family can go with her." She said. "I am her boyfriend." I said. "I guess that's ok." She said. We both got in the ambulance and the doors closed. I grapped Penelopes hand and held it in my own. "Penelope, I am so glad we found you. I was going crazy. The whole team was actually. I've missed you so much baby-girl. My days haven't been the same since you've been gone. I love you so much Penelope, alot more than words can explain. I have loved you for so many years and I am so glad you love me to. Baby, please hold on. Please, I don't know what I would do without you. You are my baby-girl." I said. "Sir, we're here." The lady said. "Ok." I relased my hand from Penelope, so they can get her out. They got her out and rushed her inside. I followed suit and sat in the waiting room. After a few minutes the team showed up. Hotch and Rossi leading of course. Spencer and JJ behind them. Reid looks alittle better, still upset, but he's not losing it right now. JJ, her eyes were blood shot. I know how much this hurts her, this is her best friend lying in a hospital bed with a bullet in her with other injuries most likely. I know Rossi and Hotch are taking this hard, they see Penelope as a daughter. After about an hour a doctor walked out. "Penelope Garcia?" He asked looking around the room. We all shot up from our seats and walking over to him. "That's us. How is she?" Hotch asked. "She is doing ok at the moment. We got the bullet out of shoulder. She was lucky that it was her shoulder, if it was any lower it would've went straight through her heart. She has two brusied ribs, some internal bleeding, and a minor concusion. She also has sustained some cuts and brusies." He said. I clenched my fist at my side trying to keep my self calm. "W-was she um sexually assulated?" Reid asked. The doctor let out a sigh. "She indeed was, but Mrs.Garcia is going to make a recovery. It just might take acouple of months." The doctor said. "Can we see her?" JJ asked. "You can, she should be waking up soon." The doctor said. "Thank you." Rossi said. The doctor gave a small nod and walked away. "Who wants to go first?" Hotch asked. I looked to Reid. He was looking down at his hands. "I think Reid should." I said. "Are you sure Derek?" Reid asked. "Yeah." I said nodding. I know Reid thinks of Penelope as an older sister. He would be lost without her.

                                                                             Penelope P.O.V

I opened my eyes, but immeditaly closed them again with the blinding lights. I opened them slowly. I was in a pure white room. "Garcia?" I heard a timid voice ask. I turned and saw Reid. "Hey." I said with a smile. He let out a laugh. "Hey, how do you feel?" He asked. "In pain." I said. "Well yeah, you got shot." He said. I let out a soft laugh. "Thank you Reid." I said, while looking at him. "For being there." I said. He gave me a small smile. "You're my big sister Garcia, of course I am gonna be there for you." He said. I smiled when he said I am his big sister. "And your my little brother Spencer." I smiled at him. We talked alittle bit. Everyone came through and saw me. Finally it was Derek came in. "Hey baby-girl." He said, sitting on the bed next to me. "Hey angel." I said. "How you feeling?" He asked. "In some pain." I said. "You look tired." He said. I smile slightly at him. "I am, I've been in hell for the last week." I said. "I know baby, I am sorry I couldn't get you outta there sooner." Derek said, grapping my hand tightly. "Hey, it's fine. I am fine." I said. "You got shot Penelope!" He said loudly. "But, I am still alive." I said. He calmed down alittle bit. "It could've been alot worse Morgan. I am alive. I have some bumps and brusies, but everything will heal, ok?" I said. "Ok. You know I love you, right?" He said. "I love you to." I said. "Good." He said smiling at me. I smiled back. I was about to say something, but he leaned down and kissed me softly on my lips. We kissed for a few minutes, than he pulled away. "I've been wanting to do that for awhile." He said smirking. I let out another soft laugh. "Get some sleep baby-girl." He said. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Night angel." I said smiling. "Night baby." He said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Author Note: Finally down. I hope all of you enjoyed!

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