Long day

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                                                                                         Penelope P.O.V

I hate Monday's, I especially hate Monday's when I don't have any sleep and my ex boyfriend wouldn't stop bothering me last night. So I tried to go simple, but that's just not me. So I had on a blue dress that went to my knees that had a sparkly belt around the waist with a pair of blue high-hell's. I had on some pink lip gloss and some light blue eye shadow. With my hair, I just decided to curl it. I walked out of the elevator into the bullpen so I can get to my office. 

"Good morning." Derek said with his signature smile on his face. 

"Good morning." I said walking past him. 

"Wow, slow your roll baby. What's going on?" Derek asked, steeping in front of me. 

"Nothing." I said looking down. 

"Now, why are you lying to me? I am hurt baby." He asked, putting a hand on his heart, faking being hurt. 

"I am not lying Derek. It was just a long night last night and I didn't get much sleep last night." I said. I wasn't lying, I was just withholding some information. Derek already can't stand the guy, i am not throwing anything else into pot to stir it up.

"You sure sweetheart? You can tell me anything." Derek said, with worry lacing his voice. 

"I am sure angel." I said with a small smile. 

"You better be." He said with a smile. I let out a small laugh. 

"Come on guys, team meeting." JJ said walking by us to the conference room. 

"Let's go baby-girl." Derek said. I nodded my head and followed him. 

"Good morning everyone. I know, it's early, but this case is serious." Hotch said. 

"This is Rebecca Stern. She is the third victim in these attacks. The first two were Sarah John and Rachel Lambert." Rossi stated. 

"As you can see, all three of the woman aren't exactly model size. They are indeed bigger woman, so we are thinking that he is after bigger woman unlike most serial killers. Yes, all the killings have been here in Virginia." Hotch said. 

"We're gonna head to Stern's house, while Penelope, you stay here and see if you can find anything out about this guy." Rossi said, while looking at me. I nodded my head. 

"Let's go team." Hotch said. I took a deep breath and walked to my office. 

                                                                            Derek P.O.V

I know something's wrong with my baby-girl, she isn't as sassy as she usually is. I know this case is gonna freak her out. Yes, she isn't fat, but she isn't model thin. She is about the size of the victims that have been found. We were on the way to the latest victims house to see if we can figure anything out. We walked into the house and it was a mess. 

"Morgan, Reid go look up stairs." Rossi said. We nodded our heads and walked up the stairs. We walked into the bedroom, the floor was covered in blood and so was the bed. 

"This guy seems to like blood, it doesn't seem like he tried to stop her from bleeding." I said looking around the room. "I agree, but he did sexually assault them, so my thoughts would be that he wanted them suffering while he did it." Reid said. I nodded my head to agree with him. 

"Let's go back down and see if Rossi and Hotch figured anything out." I said, Reid nodded his head and followed me out. We walked out of the room and down the stairs. 

I've always loved you (Penelope Garcia & Derek Morgan/ Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now