What My Heart Feels

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They guys, I hope you're all staying safe.
    So, I'm getting knee surgery soon and all that so I'll have a lot of  time to write chapters. I'm sorry I haven't updated soon.


Triton was putting the little Prince to bed when he heard a knock at the door.

"I wonder who that could be, one sec Percy." He put the baby down in his crib when he answered the door. "Oh, hello father. I thought the meeting would go on longer."

"No, thank the gods. I thought I gonna lose it." Poseidon walked over to the crib and picked up the fussy baby. "Aww what a cranky little guy we got here huh." He said in a baby voice.

"I was just putting him to bed father, I do apologize." He bowed his head.

"Oh Triton, do loosen up. It's alright." Poseidon smiled. "I'm not mad, no one is. You're going to do a wonderful job."

Triton shifted his feet and looked up at his father. Poseidon was busy cuddling the prince to his chest and allowing the youngling to sleep.

"I never apologized for the way I behaved when I learned about my brother."

Poseidon's eyes looked at his oldest and a small smiled appeared. "You have nothing to apologize for. I knew this would be difficult for you."

Triton shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. "I knew that you would father another child, you seem to have a habit to father ridiculously strong children. Even after the oath, I was just waiting for you to claim another child. But what really threw me was that you fathered a child stronger then Skye." He smiled and took a seat near his father. "When Skye was born, it was so hard to wrap my head around it. I mean how could she hold more power then the gods combined. It blew my mind, and when it was deemed that she would be your heir." He took a breather, "it broke my heart."

Poseidon looked at his son, his heart ached. "Triton." He said in a small voice.

"I thought that I had failed you. I thought that you didn't wait me as your heir, that you were disappointed with me for some reason." Triton's eyes filled with tears. "And when Skye gave up the throne, you looked so disappointed! Why father!

Poseidon stood and carefully placed Percy in the crib, covering him with the blanket and grabbing the mermaid bear to place next to him.

"And when you announced that there would be a new heir to the Four Kingdoms. I thought that Zeus had fathered the child. Never would I have imagined that he was my brother." Triton was facing his father, not caring for the tears freely flowing down his face. "You seemed so happy, you were overjoyed! I thought that if it was a child of Zeus there would be no reason for me to be angry with you. And then I got the crushing blow that you then again threw me aside and named a new heir."

Poseidon's face was unreadable, there was no emotion anywhere.

"Why do you not care for me father?!? Why do you hate me so much!"

The god of the sea sighed and shook his head every so slowly. "Son you are my first born. You are my pride and joy. I know fate has been cruel to you and have taken dreams and hopes away. Do understand I didn't appoint anyone my heir but you." Triton looked up at his father shocked. "When Skye was born, the fates appeared and named her my heir, I didn't. When Percy was born, Chaos appeared and named him the heir to the four kingdoms, I didn't." Poseidon walked closer to his son. "The only reason I was disappointed when Skye renounced the throne, it wasn't because I was sad it wasn't her. I saw how much freedom you had gained, you could leave and returned when you pleased, you went on trips to discover the oceans. You seemed so happy to me I was sad for the throne to be your burden again." Poseidon gathered Triton in his arms and hugged him tightly. "I love you Triton, you are always going to be the heir to me."

When hearing this, Triton couldn't hold it back anymore. He let the dams of tears flood open and he sobbed into his father's shoulder. Poseidon smiled and held his sin closer, he didn't care that he was getting soaked.

"I'm so sorry you have felt this way for so long. I wish you would've told me sooner. Is that why you broke the chandelier in the throne room?"

"Please don't tell mother, she still thinks it was the maid."

Poseidon laughed and shook his son's hair. "Your secret is safe with me."


Artemis was walking through the gardens of Olympus when she saw Percy and Triton sitting at one of the benches looking out to the city of NY.

"Hello Triton, how's the little prince."

Triton looked to his left and smiled, "oh, hello M'lady. He doing just fine." He tucked the blanket out of the way to show a sleeping baby in his arms. "We're just enjoying the breeze."

Artemis nodded her head. "It is a beautiful day." She sat and let out a small sigh. "Do you happen to know where he's gonna be staying. I know the week that Poseidon gave me just started, but I feel it's not the right time to bring back the the hunters."

Triton shook his head, "I have no idea. I know Skye wants to take him but nothing been decided."

"Mm, I see." Artemis' hair blew in the wind and Triton couldn't help but stare at the beauty. "Can I hold him?"

He snapped out of it and nodded his head with a small smile forming. He gently passed Percy into Artemis' arms and the little prince slightly moved but fell into a deep sleep again.

"No one blames you, you know."

Artemis' head snapped up.

Triton was looking out onto the city lights. "You did everything right and that's why Percy is still here. You used your own body to shield him from any attacks and I wasn't there. But I know it looked so badass." He ran his hand through his hair. "Thank you for protecting my brother."

Artemis smiled and looked at the babe in her arms. She started to play with his little hand poking out. "I needed to hear that, thank you." She laughed quietly, "You know I never wanted children of my own because I believed I wasn't capable of loving another being. But looking this little hand closing so perfectly over my finger. I would do anything for him. I still don't want children, but Percy started to make me question the possibility."

Triton laughed. "This little guy has wrapped everyone around his little fingers." He leaned back and closed his eyes. "I wanted to be king so badly, I was born for it. Over the eons fate slowly started to chip away at my dreams. Now I really don't care. I just want to be there for the little bugger. He's gonna have his hands full so he's gonna need help and I'll be there. Don't care if it's just to make sure he gets enough sleep."

"You're doing a great job. Don't worry just do what you keep doing." Artemis smiled at him and his heart melted. She handed Percy back and stood up. "I have to be going, nice talking to you Triton."

Triton was a mess but managed to let out a quick "good night" before she disappeared.

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