Salt water brings everyone together

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Hades started walking to the throne room with Poseidon on his heels. The tone of Poseidon's voice was concerning. And since he didn't know what he was going to talk about, he was gonna take him to the throne room. There the walls could become soundproof and his guards won't do anything. They made small talk on the way, never staying on one subject.

When they reached the throne room, Hades waved his hand and Poseidon talked.

"When I took Percy home I felt something stirs, and I don't know if it was because Percy's powers are growing or because of Kronos. Now, don't take this the wrong way, I know you love and want to protect him. The entrance to Taurus isn't that far from here right? Just over that hill, if I'm not mistaken. I don't want him near that pit. I-"

Hades raised his hands to stop Poseidon's rambling. "Nothing is going to happen, I promise you that I will protect this boy with my life, no harm will ever come to him. And if it helps you sleep better at night, I'll set up guards near the entrance, close enough to stop anyone from coming close to the pit, but far enough to keep them from being influenced by Kronos."

"Thank you brother, I know you will do what you need to do to keep our heir safe." Poseidon extended his hand and they shook, an understanding passed between them. Percy was their future and they would do everything they needed to do to keep him safe.

A small light started to appear in front of the sea god. He opened his hand and blackjack landed ever so smoothly. "Finally, I hope you didn't suffer much by the hands of my wife."

The young pegasus just shook his ready and started to flap his wings."He's sleeping right now, but you can go join him. Go check out your room, it's quite large." The pegasus nodded his head and turned to leave, only to be stopped by Hades.

"Here let me give you something, don't be scared." He snapped his fingers and a Stygian iron chain started to wrap its way around Blackjack's neck, down to the heart of the champion. Then the chains commenced to melt into each other and to form a vest that was covered in opal, spinel, onyx and other precious jewels.

"This will let you shadow travel down to my domain, and when people see this they will know you are a royal pegasus. Do you like it, and don't worry, it'll grow with you."

Blackjack looked down started to fly around, Poseidon laughing.

"He's overjoyed, thanks Hades." Poseidon too waved his hand and some jade, aventurine, and pearls. "There you are, now you can teleport into my domain too. No more waiting for someone to take you there."
The pegasus danced in the air, licking the faces of the gods, saying thank you. Then making his way to the stables.

Both gods chuckled, "well I best be going, I have some things to finish up in the council. I'll see you soon brother." he turned to leave, "oh, before I forget, I made some changes to the schedule. He'll be staying here for a week and then I'll get him again but I'll give up my week so Artemis and the hunters can have some time with him. It's going to be you, me, Olympus, the void, and the cycle begins again."

"Okay, I'm fine with that. I'm sure my Queen wouldn't mind that at all."

They shook hands and Poseidon left, leaving the smell of the sea.

Hades walked back to Percy's room. Passing Blackjack in the stables, eating some apples. When he got to Percy's room, the child was fast asleep in his bed.

"My Lord, I don't want to leave him alone. What if he gets scared?"

"My Queen, he'll be fine. The nannies are here, they'll call us when he wakes up. Okay?"

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