a normal day at gallagher...

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Cammie Morgan was walking down the hall completely oblivious to the stares she was getting . Today was the first day back to the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women. No one other than the sisterhood actually knew how exceptional the Gallagher girls actually were.

As Cammie walked her three best friends came running down the hall. Macey McHenry - yes the senator's daughter- Rebecca Baxter-daughter of the best spies in M16(don't call her Rebecca, she'll kill you)- and Elizabeth Sutton. Macey and Liz's parents weren't spies.

"Your mother wants to speak to us", Liz said breathlessly. She was the shortest of the group. She was also the smartest person I knew, and trust me I know a lot of super geniuses.

Cammie's mother was the headmistress of the school and she frequently had talks with the girls.

" Okay, let's go." Cammie said

"What do you think she wants to talk to us about?" Bex- that's what everybody called her- asked.

"I honestly have no idea and I hate when I don't know things ," Liz said

"Well let's just get it over with." Macey said.

At that time the girls had reached the door. Cammie lightly raped against it.

"Come in" Cammie's mother said.

Rachel Morgan was breathtakingly beautiful. She was tall with long dark brown hair. She was always calm and poised, but she was fully capable of killing you with your own finger. Cammie got her hair from her father. Matthew Morgan was the best spy in the CIA and was reported MIA on a mission. It pained to think about him.

"I've called you here to talk about something. We have a brother school called Blackthorne Institute for Troubled Young Men. You four and 6 other students are going to a secret location and you will be competing in a competition. You leave tommorow at 12am on the dot. I will announce all that are going at the Welcome Back Dinner." My mom explained, " you may now leave."

We left the room silently thinking to ourselves. Of course we knew about Blackthorne. That's what you get when you have a spy daughter looking for information. What we were thinking about was that Blackthorne contained boys, which meant we would be surrounded by boys. The only real experience I had with boys was Josh and that ended with a forklift and my cov. Ops. teacher. Point being it didn't end well. I was nervous but I knew Macey would help. She was our resident boy expert. We arrived at the Grand Hall and the overboard read the same as it always did at the first dinner- English, American.

We sat at the Sophomore table and my mother approached the podium. After we recited the Gallagher chant we sat down.

My mother remained at the post

"Girls, I have some great news for you. Ten of you will be going on a competition with Blackthorne Institute for Troubled Young Men." The hall broke out in whispers. My mother waited calmly for 45.8926271 seconds " The girls that will be attending are: Cameron Morgan, Rebecca Baxter" ( Bex scowled )" Elizabeth Sutton, Macey McHenry, Tina Walters, Kim Lee, Courtney Baur, Anna Fetterman, Mick Morrison, and Eva Alveras. After dinner pack for a whole semester. Warm and beachy clothes. You leave at midnight. Have fun." With that my mother walked off the stage and over to the teachers table. Right before she sat down she gave me a wink. She knew that I was not going to enjoy this. I groaned and put my head on the table. Cue the questions from Tina the resident gossip girl

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