Author's Notes and Introduction

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Dear reader,

        This story falls after the events of Spider-Man: Far From Home. In this story, Mysterio never released Peter's name to everyone (his secret identity still is intact). It is currently Peter's Senior year in high school (at the beginning of this story).

        I hope you enjoy the story, it is meant to be full length and is very descriptive. There will be many plot twists and points during this writing, so please make sure to read carefully (if you want to catch some of the twists before they happen). I've worked to make this story super interesting, so I hope that you can also find it as interesting as I do.

        There will be many characters who make cameos or who are big plotpoints, these characters can be from either the DC or Marvel Universe (it's a crossover fanfiction!)

You may also notice some illustrations at some point! Unless otherwise credited, I made those :)

NOW, please enjoy the story, let me know what you think of everything. I do post chapters often!


The author

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