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Oikawa gets out of the shower, he swallows up his hurt and locks it into a place no one can ever see. He puts on a black sweater and navy pants absentmindedly and walks to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Iwaizumi is lying on the living room couch, where he had slept the night because of Oikawa's business with Iriji. A slight smile hints on Oikawa's lips as he contemplates on how to wake him up. He settles on gentleness, for once, because he was already tired from waking up surprisingly early. "Iwa-chan, wake up!" Oikawa yells.

"Shut up!" Iwaizumi's responds, shoving his head into his pillow. Oikawa giggles softly as he watches Iwaizumi awaken (i legit just whispered "g a y  a w a k e n i n g" to myself i need some jesus). "It's not even seven yet," Iwa grumbles after glancing at the clock.

"I know, but since I woke up, I wanted you awake too!" Oikawa explains. Iwa throws a pillow at him, but he ducks, laughing. "At least we won't be late for class!"

Iwaizumi presses his lips together and looks away.

"What? What is it?" Oikawa asks, sensing the tension.

"You use women for your own personal gain," he spits, glaring up at Oikawa. "It's disgusting."

Oikawa wants nothing more than to explain his pain, to tell Hajime about his struggles. To tell him about his father and his mother and his poor, broken, dead sister. Oikawa wants his words to explode from his mouth and get some help, but of course, he is too afraid. For he knows what happened to his sister when she opened her mouth, and he was terrified for the same fate. And more so, he is terrified what Hajime will think of the shell of who he once was. So instead, he gives him the same answer he's practiced in front of the mirror at night when he couldn't sleep and his thoughts were getting too big for the small space remaining in his haunted, clustered mind.

"I know. I'm sorry. But if I stop this, then my f-" Oikawa stops in his sentence abruptly, almost revealing a hidden secret. Iwa raises an eyebrow in confusion before Oikawa continues. "...My reputation will get ruined?" he finishes, though it comes out like a question. He wonders if Iwaizumi will catch this slip-up of his.

He doesn't. He gives Oikawa an irritated glare before getting up to pull on a shirt. "I hope you change, Oikawa. I really do." Oikawa gulps as Iwaizumi brushes past him. He wanted Iwa to ask "what were you going to say?" but he didn't. He probably never would. "Now what do you want for breakfast?"

"Oh, uh, nothing really. I'll be fine!" Oikawa offers a forced grin, one the Iwaizumi can see right through.

"Are you sure?" Iwa insists.

"...Yeah." The two of them stand in silence before Oikawa clears his throat. "I'll just drink some coffee." He makes his way to the kitchen and reaches for the Starbucks coffee mix when Iwa grips his wrist.

"Coffee won't do you any good in class. Eat," Iwa says sternly. Oikawa opens his mouth to protest before shutting it again. 

"Yeah, okay," he answers, his voice too small for Iwaizumi not to be concerned. Iwa furrows his eyebrows and drops a slice of butter onto the frying pan. 


Iwaizumi soon comes out of the kitchen holding two plates of scrambled eggs and reheated cinammon buns. "Here," he says, sliding a plate over to Oikawa. 

"Thanks!" Oikawa chirps, ignoring any previous strangeness. Naturally, Iwa finds this very concerning, but he keeps quiet and decides to observe for now. They eat their breakfast in silence. 

"So, Oikawa, who's notes are you going to steal now for the test?" Iwa asks, trying to spark a conversation.

"Oh. Yours," Tooru answers, mouth full.

"What?! I'm not going to let you steal my notes!" Iwa defends angrilly.

"Oh. Too bad. Already looked through them while you were asleep," Oikawa says, grinning cunningly. Iwa's mouth drops open and he looks ready to kill.

"You douchebag! I put actual effort into those!"

"Well, I looked through your actual effort and decided to use it!"


"What? You left them out in the open and thought I wouldn't look at them? Amateur move."

"How do I even stand you..?"


"Eh? You good?"

"Iwa-chan, you realize there's this thing called chewing your food?"

"Oh, shut up!"

"In your dreams."

"As if you'd appear in my dreams."

"Oh, I know I do."

"More like my nightmares."

"Nightmares? Nighmares where you do m-?"


"Again- in your dreams."

"What in hell do those girls see in you?"

"Looks, smarts, muscles, a big d-"

"Don't finish that. Just- don't."

"You know you want me to~!"

"I really don't."


They talked for a while before Iwaizumi realized they had been sitting at the table far longer after they finished their breakfast. He glanced at the clock and saw it was already eight-thirty. "Oi, Shittykawa, we've gotta get ready for classes."

"Huh? We've been talking that long?" Oikawa remarked, following Iwa's gaze. 

"Yeah, now go get your things!" Iwaizumi collected his books and brushed his hair quickly before meeting Oikawa at the door. "Okay, lets go!" They walked leisurely to the classroom, saying hi to a few passing students (most of them Oikawa's fangirls). 

"Hey, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Mei's hosting a party at her dorm, wanna come?" Toshio, a friend of theirs suggests as he falls into pace with them.

"Sure why not?" Oikawa grins, though he gives a sideways glance to Iwaizumi, as if saying hey, are you okay with this?

"Uhm..." Iwaizumi shifts from one foot to the other. He can see how Oikawa is silently pleading him to go with just one look; they were that close. "Sure, I guess." 

"It's settled then! What time should we get there?" Oikawa asks cheekily, shooting one last grateful glance to Iwaizumi. 

"Get there by six-thirty or so. It's gonna last a bit late 'cause today is Friday!" Toshio replies, grinning. He breaks off and joins another group of students, probably asking them the same question. Iwaizumi is a bit uncertain with the party, but he doesn't question Oikawa. He assumes it will be like every other college party he's been to.

How wrong he is.

How his life would change from that point on.


a/n wHoOp-dEe-dOo u kno something's up when PARTIES are mentioned ;))

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