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a/n ah yes, another haikyuu!! fanfiction.

Save me, lord.



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 up. WAKE UP. SHITTYKAWA, WAKE UP!" someone hollers into Oikawa's ear. 

"What the fuck, Iwa~chan?" Oikawa Tooru groans as he blinks out the fogginess. He glances at the clock and his eyes widen. "SHIT! I'm gonna be late!" Iwaizumi rolls his eyes as Oikawa scrambles to get dressed. It's eight forty-five a.m and their college classes start at nine. Iwa is Oikawa's dormmate so he usually was the one screaming bloody murder into his ears in the morning. 

Oikawa sprints into the bathroom and brushes his teeth, not bothering to comb his hair. "Did you make me food?" he yells as he runs out, dashing to the kitchen.

"Yes, idiot," Iwaizumi sighs, crossing his arms. Tooru grins in relief and gobbles up the waffle left on the counter for him. 

"Thanks!" He grabs his books and rushes out the door.

"HEY! Wait for me, stupid!" Iwa calls from behind him. It was now eight fifty-five, and they were surely going to be late. Oh, whatever, it's not like the teachers give a fuck anyways, Tooru thinks. As he and Iwaizumi run into the classroom, the students turn to look at them in annoyance. The two friends were late almost every other day, most likely because Oikawa slept in and would probably miss school altogether if Iwaizumi didn't drag him out of bed. 

Their professor wasn't here, fortunately, so she was unable to witness the two boys scurry into class, disheveled.  "We made it, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa smiles cheekily as he sits down next to his friend. 

"No thanks to you," Iwaizumi grumbles, folding his arms. 

"So mean, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa pouts as he says this, but a smile lingers on his lips as he turns away. The professor walks into the room a moment later, her red hair falling into rhythm with her steps.

"Sorry for being late. Oikawa and Iwaizumi were probably late, like always, but I am too tired to care at this point," she announces. The class snickers at the two boys and Oikawa opens his mouth to retort back. Iwa punches his shoulder, telling him to shut up. Oikawa swallows his words, ignoring the temptation at the tip of his tongue. "Even so, today we will be studying the historical impact of..." Oikawa tunes out his professor's words. It wasn't that he wanted to, per say, but his brain just adjusted to college living. It wouldn't be a bother. He could just get notes from his thirsty classmates, anyway.

Before he knew it, Iwaizumi is waving his hand in front of Oikawa's face. "Hmm?" Oikawa hums, his eyes focusing. 

"Idiot, class is over. We also have a test next Wednesday,"  Iwaizumi hisses, knowing all-too-well that Oikawa didn't pay a second of attention to the lecture.

"Wh-what?!" Oikawa leaps up. "I didn't study!"

"That's why you listen to the teachers, shittykawa!" Iwaizumi scolds, walking out the classroom. He stops as he sees a girl approach Oikawa, and rolls his eyes. 

"O-Oikawa-kun, uhm..." She bites her lip and looks to the side.

"What is it, Iriji-kun?" Oikawa tilts her chin up gently, smiling earnestly. The poor girl's cheeks dust lightly with crimson pigment. 

"I... I like you!" she blurts. "I really like you, and I have for a while, but I was too scared to tell you!" Oikawa just smiles and leans in to whisper in her ear, his signature move that caused love-stricken grins and pounding of the heart.

"Would you like to come over and study after school?" he breathes. Iriji's eyes grow wide and she turns a brighter shade of red.

"O-of course!" She smiles and walks away, waving over her shoulder. Oikawa's expression drops slowly. Iwaizumi strolls over to talk to him, sighing. He has scene this very scene happen one too many times. 

"Oikawa, you're too easy. Any time a girl offers you anything, you snatch it so fast I'm not even sure anything happened. You shouldn't throw them away after you're done, y'know. It isn't right," Iwaizumi lectures. Oikawa knows he's right. He's known it all along. But he has to keep up his front. 

"I won't. Once I find someone right." Oikawa walks ahead of Hajime and turns his head to the ground. Iwa was right, Oikawa knew. He had tried to stop this bad habit of his, but nothing would work. He needed a source of healing. Something that would wash away his scars and cleanse him like the first rain of spring. If he didn't continue his playboy attitude, the pitch-black void of emptiness would consume him whole.

It was already tearing at his worn seams.

Oikawa gulped and walked on, leaving a frustrated Iwaizumi Hajime behind.


a/n this is going to be a fairly short book, i don't want any long projects just y e t (*wink wonk*)

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