Twenty Five

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One week later, Tabari finds himself standing in the town square of Bowyn's kingdom. Dressed in elegant ceremonial robes. Opulent jewels hand from his neck, wrists, and clothing. Signifying his royal status.

All of the townspeople gathered around the stage, wearing their best clothing as they witness their Queen's coronation. They watched as Tabari stared longingly at the space where their King should have been. In its place, the King's crown sat. It was shocking seeing how much love and sorrow surrounded their Queen.

Today should have been a joyous day for him. A day where the Queen would solidify their marriage to the King. To take the King's last name. Tabari places his hand onto Bowyn's crown, staring up at Gorgio, the royal advisor who was taking the place of Bowyn. Bowyn was supposed to recite the oath with Tabari. But unfortunate circumstances made Gorgio take his place.

Silence falls over the crowd as Gorgio has Tabari place his right hand atop a red book. Signifying that the ceremony was beginning. Tabari's heart pounds in his chest as he feels the stares of thousands of pack members on his form. It was terrifying, standing before so many people. He was nervous that he was going to falter or mess up. The last thing he wanted to do was to make a fool of himself.

"Do you," Gorgio begins. "Tabari Rowe, promise to lead your people with a firm yet forgiving hand. Promise to guide your people down the right path, bring comfort to any that need it."

"I do."

"Do you promise to stand by your King. Never to stray from him, never to be unfaithful. To honor and love him for the entirety of your lives. To rule your kingdom side by side as equals and never use your power over your people recklessly?"

"I d-do," Tabari's voice falters. Bowyn may not survive. The fact that his life may be cut short made Tabari's eyes water. He missed Bowyn so much that it physically hurt to think about his love in pain. It made Tabari want to drop everything and rush back to the palace to comfort his King.

The townspeople watch as a single tear rolls down their Queen's cheek. Showing just how much the absence of their King affected him.

Tabari grabs hold of Bowyn's crown as Gorgio lifts a crown that was specially made for him. The crown had lovely blue and silver jewels adorning it. It was simple yet beautiful. It was feminine but Tabari did not mind. He loved it. Tabari's eyes well up with tears for the second time. It made him happy knowing that Bowyn designed the crown with him in mind.

Gorgio places the crown atop his head, smoothing out his Queen's hair to better fit with the crown. He smiles reassuringly at the young boy, stepping back so Tabari is the main focus on the stage.

"I now pronounce you, Tabari Rowe, Queen of the Northern Isle!"

Gorgio and the rest of the townspeople bow to their Queen, a sense of calmness taking over their beings as Tabari's power surges through the open space. Filling the spot of Queen that had been empty for so many years.

Tabari stands before his people, a strong aura surrounding him. He had to be strong. For Bowyn. For Ambrose. For his people...

The townspeople stand, awaiting a speech from their Queen. Tabari loses his voice momentarily, shocked by the amount of loyalty and adoration he felt through the pack bond. Thousands of faces stare up at him, nothing but acceptance radiating on their faces. Tabari finds his voice at that moment, clearing his throat and standing taller.

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