Family Day

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"Children, excuse me. Um... As you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep." Cruella was explaining. "And since your parents can't be here due to distance, we've arranged for a special treat." Cruella back up and ran over to the tv in the front of the room.

When they turned it on Beast had his face in the camera. "I don't see anything, nor do I hear."

"Kids!" Cruella called to them and they walked over.

Is it... Is it... Is." Beast was saying.

"Press enter." Mulan suggested.

"Can I please see a remote?" Beast turned and shouted at Dopey. "Is this thing on?" Beast was trying to use the remote and turn the computer on. "It's broken."

Just then the computer turned on as the four VKs walked up from behind Cruella.

"Doug, it's Papa." Dopey waved to him through the screen. "Look how handsome. You know what they say, the poison doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Beast shot back.

Fairy Godmother jumped a little in disgust. "Who's the old bat?"

"This is Cruella De Vil." Ben answered.

"Still making ugly, useless scarfs?" Beast teased.

"I made a beautiful fur coat!" Cruella fought back.

"You could've used more fur, huh? What summertime isn't hot enough for you?" Beast continued to tease as the other villains laughed.

"It was for winter! I never wore..." Then Cruella turned to Ben. "It was winter. I never wore..."

"Thank you so much. Thank you." Ben was saying.

Cruella put her face in the camera and said. "It was for winter."

"Hi, Dad." Ben said with a fake smile.

"Ben!" Beast yelled and Ben looked away annoyed.

"I m-m-m-miss you." Beast was stuttering, until Dopey hit the back of his head.

"You children are never far from our thoughts." Mulan spoke and waved to Lonnie.

"I got it." Beast said looking at her, then looked back at Ben. "How long must Papa wait to see you?"

"There's a big coronation coming up. I think sometime after that." Ben replied.

"When?" Beast wondered.

"Friday, 10:00 a.m." Ben answered quickly.

"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I 'll do if I don't get my hands on the Scep..." Beast was going to say, then Dopey hit his head again. "You, you little man that I love so much."

"Yes, I completely understand, Father." Ben responded.

Then Fairy Godmother put her whole head in the camera. "Jane, is that a cheerleading uniform?"

The other three looked over at Jane in her uniform.

"You're going to break all your bones. You should quit." Fairy Godmother was telling her.

"No I won't." Jane walked in front to be face to face with her mother. "No! I love cheerleading! And FYI, I haven't gotten hurt! So give it a rest!"

"Oh! Burn!" Mulan laughed and shouted at Fairy Godmother.

"Why don't you go try to make another sword, you weaklean!" Fairy Godmother shouted back at her.

"People who've never tried cheer leading shouldn't throw stones!" Mulan fought back.

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