Chapter 59: Amen's and Friends that kiss

Start from the beginning

I looked up at the ceiling in shock trying to process everything.

She grabs my hands, "Sophia, you know me. I would NEVER have an affair with my best friends husband. I don't believe in love but the first time I saw him I felt something but when I found out he was married of-course I tried to suppress my feelings. And Less told me he felt it too, but although he is a lot of things that man is not a cheater, even though he never loved his wife. After she died he came to my house at 3am drunk. I waited till the morning when he was somber then I went off on him. I told him that morning his wife's death was good but he needed to man up and raise his kids and stop acting like they didn't exist. I used to babysit neighborhood kids since I was 13 so I told him I would help him out and I stuck to the promise. I would come over whenever I had time and help him out teaching him how to change diapers and make bottles".

She looked down at her hands as her face suddenly went red, "We got more comfortable with each other and became friends and soon...friends that kiss".

I threw my head back and hollered, "Friends that kiss? Girl!"

She smiles sheepishly, "I like him...a lot. And I guess going to Church has changed us more than

we expected. I'm obviously no virgin and nor is he but we want to do it the right way by getting married soon. So for now we keep our relationship PG and focus on raising the kids. I'm serious about him Sophia, we both are serious about each other".


We turned around as Giovanni and Less approached us. Gio held my cardigan open for me to put my arms through.

I quickly wipe my tears before grabbing my purse, "Alright, we'll see you lovebirds at Church tomorrow".

Giovanni had been attending church with me when we had first started dating and Less and Sienna started after Gio and I moved into Less's guest house. They were curious and asked about it and I invited them to come and since then we all go together.

Alessandro pinches my cheek and kisses my forehead, "I still don't understand why it has to be so early in the morning".

I shook my head, "It isn't so bad if you don't stay up till 4am playing video games".

He flicks my head and Giovanni takes my hand leading me outside. Alessandro's mansion consisted of a guest house to the left of the main house. Less has a bunch of guest bedrooms but Gio preferred to have his own space which I agreed because the two could only stand to be around each other for 6 hours max. They were very different and often had petty fights but I knew the cousins loved each other like brothers.


By the time I wake up Giovanni has already showered, ate and dressed.

"Sophia, I already told you three times to wake up, we are going to be late".

I groan and grab my phone from the nightstand but he snatches it from me.

"We only have 20 minutes before we leave, please go shower and get dressed. I'll get your breakfast ready".

I give him a dirty look and snatch back my phone. Giovanni keeps quiet because he has learned from the few months that we have been married that I was not a morning person.

In the bathroom I turn on some music and tare off my clothes throwing them on the ground with force like it was there fault I was awake so early. It actually wasn't even that early, I'm just really used to waking up naturally so whenever I have to wake up forcefully I get a bad attitude.

By the time I'm done showering, dressing and doing my hair we only have 10 minutes before we leave. I take the elevator downstairs to save time and I find Giovanni next to the door shaking his head with my sandals and purse in his hands.

I smile at him and take my shoes using his arm to balance me as I put them on.

He kissed my cheek and held the door for me, "You look beautiful baby".

I smile feeling guilty, he was annoyed at me but still treated me like a gentleman.

"Sorry for acting like a b when you woke me up".

He holds the car door open but caught my chin before I could slide in, "Already forgiven my love".

We do about 30 minutes of praise and worship before Pastor Mateo makes his way to the stage, "Please take your seats".

"Yesterday I had encountered a bold young man who was not shy of outing his views. He approached me when I was in McDonald's to return money that had fell out of my wallet unnoticed. In return for giving me back my money he asked to share a table with me since the restaurant was full. We started a conversation and he noticed my iPad that was still on. He asked if I was an author and I told him 'No I'm a Pastor, it's my sermon I had been working on'. The air shifted and they young men exchanged looks but nodded politely. They respectfully asked me what my sermon was about and I told them salvation and we struck up a conversation. He shared that he believed everyone goes to Heaven considering if they were good or bad. He said people like murder's, rapists, and thieves wouldn't go to Heaven but good people like him would go".

Pastor Mateo pauses to take a sip from his water bottle, "He asked me what I thought and I shared with him that my belief was that the only way to Heaven was salvation through Jesus Christ. He was admit that I explain to him why he needed to have a relationship with Christ to go to Heaven so I gave him an Analogy. I told him, let's say you went and found the most expensive house in the country and you went and knocked on the door and told the people there that you liked their house and wanted to move in because your a good person. The people obviously tell you no because you don't have a relationship with them, they don't know you".

He picks up his Bible, "So you go through your whole life wanting nothing to do with God, you deny his son Jesus as the son of God which he said is the only way to his house then at the end of your life you have the nerve to knock on his door demanding to live there because your a good person? What does good have to do with it? You don't know him!"

People begin to shout "Hallelujah" and "Amen".

He sets his Bible down on the podium and opens it, "In John 14:6 Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me'. My brother's and sister's, do you want to live in God's house? You have to do it his way. There is only one way, Jesus".

A few men and women including Sienna start weeping and I didn't realize I was until Gio passes me his handkerchief.

"Revelations 20:15 says, "Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire". My friends, do you know if your name is written in his book of life? Don't take a chance with your soul because it is eternal. You will either spend eternity in Heaven or in Hell, you are either saved or lost, it's your choice".

He closes his Bible and set it on the podium, "Let us bow our heads in prayer. For those of you who want to except Jesus as your Lord and savior, know that there's nothing you need to pay and I will not ask you to stand up. Just repeat this prayer quietly to yourself. Dear God, I know that I have sinned and I cannot save myself and I believe you sent your son Jesus to die for me. I repent of my sins and surrender my life to you as I ask you to forgive me for my sins. I receive Jesus as my Lord and savior and I proclaim that he is the son of God. Come into my heart, life and fill me with your holy spirit for I now confess that I am a born again Christian. In Jesus name I pray and believe. And all God's children say-"

The Church fills up with a chorus of "Amen".

The sermon was a part of Bill Wiese's sermon called '23 Minutes in Hell'. You can watch it on YouTube, I 100% recommend it. Jesus loves all of you!

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