The Crux of the Matter

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"Well, I've got the Infirmary secured, and Poppy has all the injured students comfortable enough," McGonagall frowned, closing the door to Dumbledore's office as she entered. "Miss Weasley will need a few days of Healing, but even that may not be enough to permanently remove the damage. She will likely have a nice scar there when all is said and done."

Harry smiled inwardly. A nice scar indeed. He was unmoved under his Regent's inquisitive gaze.

"Her mouth, on the other hand, will take a good deal longer to cleanse," McGonagall went on. "She had some very choice things to say about you, Harry...about both of you, in fact."

Harry looked to his right, where Hermione simply shrugged back at him, equally as nonplussed by McGonagall's questions. They both returned her stare resolutely, not in the slightest bit ashamed. That might have been enough to pacify McGonagall, who had more than a mere fleeting interest in their affairs, but Dumbledore would not be so easily pacified.

"So, the matter of just why my Hospital Wing is thronging with students has arrived at last," the Headmaster quirked, a startling lightness to his tone. "Would either of you like to offer up an explanation, or shall I just form my own conclusions on the case?"

"A group of students, who all follow the doctrines of pure-blood mania, threatened my girlfriend," Harry began sternly. "I reacted in the defence of her. And I hope I really hurt them."

"Oh, I am quite certain you did," Dumbledore replied. "Madame Pomfrey informs me that I need to order a new batch of Skele-Gro...for her stocks will be severely depleted by the time her work is finished tonight."

Harry scoffed. "Order a lot, Sir. I have a feeling this will become a trend."

"I sincerely hope it does not," said Dumbledore, seriously. "Harry, I cannot have you reacting with such violence, no matter the provocation. You are receiving - and excelling in - specialist duelling training. I did not intend for this to be used against fellow students."

"But you will let a cowardly, filthy gang of my fellow students abuse and threaten others without punishment?" Harry cried, his ire soaring. "All for not toeing the most disgusting line ever seen here. Professor...if you know me at all, you know I won't stand for that."

"Indeed, Harry, I do know," said Dumbledore. He rose and moved to Fawkes, stroking his ebullient plume. "But we must tread very carefully where this new movement is concerned. Provoking them may be worse for those they target in the long run."

"Worse?" asked Hermione, cautiously. "How so?"

Dumbledore considered her over his half-moon glasses. "Right now, they are talking and threatening. It is goading, and worrying, but right now it is not hurting anything but pride and sensibility."

"But reacting to these petty acts may only escalate matters," McGonagall added.

"Exactly," said Dumbledore. "The number of students in this group is rising steadily, and each one is a potential conduit of information out of Hogwarts."

"Student spies, you mean," Hermione huffed angrily.

"Essentially," Dumbledore nodded. "And there are some powerful forces at work behind this group. This is not some playground spat. The power behind all this has no qualm in enlisting children to do their shady work where they cannot. Use that as an entry level moral...and imagine how much worse it could get."

"Students could be forcibly expelled, taken for 'assessments' and never seen again," said McGonagall. "The young members of the Grey Robes will likely be making a note of all those who oppose them. We must ensure that as few students as possible make those lists."

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