Chapter 3 ~ An Empty Space

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A.N. Sorry this is so late I just can't come up with any ideas. I'm open to any suggestions. Anyway...on with the chapter I hope you enjoy it.

Damian slept in a spare bedroom that night. He said he didn't want me to feel awkward. Yeah it's totally not awkward when the person you love most in the world doesn't want to sleep in the same room as you. Not at all.
But I agreed. I knew he needed space to figure things out.
Ironically he left wanting to give me space and comfort when all I felt was this empty cold abyss beside me in his place. It didn't belong there and at the thought of sleeping next to it I shivered. I couldn't stand this empty space but I had to deal with it.
I had caused it after all.
I had pushed him away by keeping a secret. The one person I promised, swore I would never betrayed I hid a secret that wasn't mine to keep.
I had managed to keep my morning sickness a secret from him. A miracle really but with all the precautions I took I succeeded. Luckily my waves of nausea only occurred early in the morning. Just late enough that Damian had passed out beside me from patrol but early enough no one would wake. It was why had been late that morning or afternoon really.
All of a sudden I heard movement. Not very noticeable but it was there. Most would ignore it but I knew better. Shifting to the edge of the bed I lent up and began to drink my water. Now you might think I'm insane. I've just heard a noise that I'm deadly suspicious of and I decided to drink some water but there is a reason.
It's a front.
I'm actually holding onto the small panic button located under the bedside table. A small glass finger scanner that sends a small zap to your finger once activated without making a noise. A genius invention made by a very paranoid bat but I'm blabbering.
I felt the prick of electricity and put the glass down. Now all I had to do was keep the person distracted while making it seem that no one knows they're there. Easy.
Out of the shadows a curved shaped of a women appeared. I reached for the spare batarang I keep on me at all time when she spoke.
"You couldn't even tell me I was going to be a jida and now your throwing batarangs at me. I thought I raised you better."
(jida/جدة is grandmother in Arabic according to google translate)
"Talia!" Of course Talia would come find me as soon as she found out freaking me out in the process but how did she find out?
Just then Damian came barging in. Took one look at the figure in the corner of the room and screeched, "Mother!?"
Don't worry my love didn't need my hearing for another day.
"Hello my child. I was just asking Thea her why she didn't tell me about my hafid."
(hafid/حفيد is Arabic for grandson or grandchild in this case according to google translate)
Then the rest of the bat family came charging into the room on high alert, crashing into Damian and nearly taking him off his feet. On seeing Talia they grumbled about being awoken for nothing.
"Seeing as we're all awake, why don't we head down to the lounge and talk about this sitting down?" Bruce suggest after a few awkward moments, his Business Bruce side showing.
After we were all situated in the lounge Damian, surprisingly, sat close next to me. Talia began to tell us how she had found out. It seems someone in the assassin game knew and it was now circulating. Luckily it was just my citizen persona and the press and public wouldn't found out using that channel and most assassins wouldn't care. But that meant the people who had threatened me would have found out and it's only a matter of time before they came. I had to tell my family everything. I'd start with Damian and then Bruce and then everyone.
After the little meeting ended the boys went to the gaming system, Agent A went to start breakfast early the angel, Bruce and Talia want to 'catch up' and the girls decided to go hang out in one of their rooms. I was going to join the girls when Damian pulled me back telling everyone we were going to bed as I needed my rest.
I was about to go off at him when I realised by the look on his perfectly sculpted face that that wasn't the real reason.
We got to our room and Damian sat me on the bed kneeling down in front to get eye level with me. He took a deep breath a sighed.
"Thea I wanted to talk to you because tonight I have never been as scared and regretful in my life. When I heard that panic alarm and I realised it was our room I-I freaked out. The thought that I had left you alone by yourself and now you were in danger, it made me feel sick like a pit had formed in my stomach. I know that you wouldn't keep a secret from me unless there was a good reason and I wasn't thinking like that when I first found out but I was just lying in bed not being able to sleep and I realised that you would never do anything to hurt me unless there was a bigger reason behind it. Can you tell me that bigger reason? You probably can't and you don't have to but I have to ask."
"Damian," I whispered out on the brink of tears. I cleared my throat and began again. "Damian you have every right to feel upset that I kept something from you. I swore that I wouldn't but your right there was something bigger behind it and I'm going to tell you. I decided earlier tonight when Talia said how she found out that there was no reason to keep it a secret anymore and it would be safer to tell you..."

Ooooooh cliff hanger. Again sorry it's late. I try to get all my pieces to be around 1000 at least and I was struggling to get there. I have started the next bit but I'm not sure where to take it leave any suggestions and thank you so much for reading.

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