{sorry if you have short hair}

"Damn girl you looking fine af!" She said as i looked at myself in the mirror. "Thank you mina!" I said hugging her making her face heat up drastically.  "Kk ima do my makeup and we should be good to leave!" I said taking out my huge makeup box i had hidden under my bed. "Oh damn-  Thats a lot of makeup." She said sitting on my bed with me. "Yeaaa...auntie nemuri always gives me at least a whole palette and foundation . "I say taking out one of my favorite palettes ,blush,eyeliner,and some fake lashes. " Ok so i could do your makeup or you can do it yourself"I said opening the palette. "Can you do mine pleaseee!! I suck at makeupp!!" She begged. "Of course,ima just do a light look ok" I said picking out good colors for her skin tone. I had to open the palette with all the pink's since my other one only had "natural tones". Her makeup ended up looking pretty good,i just gave her some pink eye shadow a wing,i put some of my older lashes on her,and drew a small heart on her cheek. "Kk your done." I said closing the colorful palette and opening the other one. "Wow thank you sooo much y/nnn!!" She said giving me a side hug. I did my makeup just about the same but no lashes and more blush,for a soft girl look. I ended up putting on some yellow barrettes and pink ones in my and mina's hair. "Kk,ima text the boys to meet us at the train station k!" I said pulling out my phone. "Okie!" Mina said packing back up her stuff and holding my back for me. We walked over to mina's place so she could drop her stuff off then walked over to the station. The boy's ended up texting me telling me that they'll just meet us at the cafe,so we ended up riding the train with only each other. Once we got there i knew mina could tell that i was upset,but for some reason tamaki and mirio didn't. We all had a sorta nice time at a cafe that Mina suggested but i couldn't help but notice the whole time,tamaki was blushing madly,and mirio only had one hand on the table,his other one was underneath it. I decided to look into it,and what i found was shocking. I put my phone under the table and snapped a picture not looking at the camera,i pulled out my phone after making it look like i got a desk or something,but i was really looking at the picture. "I knew it.." I said. "What you say y/n?" Mirio said looking at me confused. "Come on mina,we're leaving,i dont want to spend another second with a cheater." I said grabbing my things. Mina slid out of the booth with me behind her. "Whats wrong y/n?" Tamaki said looking and me confused but still blushing. "Check your phones." I said sending the picture to the group chat of me,mirio,tamaki,nejire,and myi. Me and mina walked out me pulling her my the hand mad. "Hey whats wrong?!" Mina said stopping me and pulling us in a empty alley way. I showed her the picture and started crying. "I r..really thought someone w..would love me..." I said sliding my back down a brick wall and crying into my knees. "Oh..its ok princess..he's just a dummy who cant see how beautiful you really are." She said hugging me,only making me cry more. "Y..your so pretty mina..you probably have a million guys going after you.." I said into her chest. "Oh..well..if it makes you feel any better..im actually gay..most of the girls think i have some sort of crush on them and dont really hand around me.." She said making me look up at her beautiful face. "Oh im sorry for assuming..." I said putting on a short smile. "Heh..its fine...hey why dont we have a sleep over tonight,you me,kirishima and denki! They are always down for a good sleepover,plus their actually great when it comes to breakups." She said smiling back at me. "Ok..that seems like fun..i would have to tell my dads first k,then maybe we could stop by my house to pick up some stuff.." I said now genuinely smiling at the idea that i would be getting comfort from some really cool and nice people. We walked back to my house holding hands and her motivating me and just radiating positivity. I got home and packed a over night bag containing makeup for the morning,pj's,a outfit for tomorrow,my chargers and headphones,a toothbrush and toothpaste,and my black teddy bear dadzawa got me. {And anything else you would need,im just to lazy to write everything I would pack.} I walked out and walked to mina's house still holding hands with her. Once we got there Kirishima and denki we're already there setting the place up with l.e.d.s and candy. "Surprise!!" They said doing jazz hands in front of the room. "Aww you guyssss" I said hugging them. We all chilled for about a hour until i looked at my phone to see 100 missed messages from the group chat. 



       Bluehaired bby


My shy boi <3

"im sorry..she wasn't supposed to figure it out like this.."

  Blondie mc blonderson

"We were gonna tell her,tamaki just wasn't ready yet,and neither was i"



Bluehaired bby



"Not you,your perfect just the way you are <3"



                                          -Shadow bby has changed "my shy boi <3" to cheater >:<-

                                   -Shadow bby has changed "Blondie mc blonderson" to jerk wad-

Cheater >:<

"Im sooo sorry sweetheart"

Jerk wad

"Me too"

                                   -Shadow bby has blocked "cheater >:<" and " jerk wad"-

                                               -Shadow bby has permanently left the chat-


"Nice going"

                    -Myibby and Bluehairedbby have permanently left the chat and have blocked "cheater" and "jerk wad"-

I put away my phone to see that kirishima and denki have been playing mario cart for half a hour and mina over my shoulder reading the text's. "Im sorry princess.." She said rubbing my back. "Its fine,its for the better anyway" I say locking my phone and cuddling up with mina to watch the boys fail. "I GET NEXT TURN!" I say pointing at the screen grinning. We played until 1am,kirishima and denki stayed in mina's spare room but i stayed with mina. "H..hey mina..do you think w..we could maybe..share a b..bed tonight..?" I say blushing madly. "O..oh um..s..sure..y.n.." She said completely red faced. We got into bed and cuddled up together falling asleep quickly.

                                                                 ..Good Night Princess..


Word count:1619

time taken: 1 hour


I hope you enjoyed this chapter,it was actually really easy to write so i hope to see you guys next chapter!!!

-Author - chan

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