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You wake up dazed in a hospital bed, you have absolutely no idea what happened, you find out you was in an accident and have to spend the night. You think it will be a long and boring; however that was until you spot the boy in the bed next to you.

"Hello dad? Dad can you hear me?" You speak into the phone, your anger grows as you realise you have lost signal.
You throw the phone onto the sheets in front of you and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Signals really bad here huh" spoke a voice from beside you.
You turn to face whoever had spoken to you and was instantly taken back by him. Staring for a while you take In every feature of his face.
Act cool, you think to yourself.

"Yeah I know" you reply, with a hint of laughter in your tone. "I've been trying to get through the to my dad".
He gives you a sympathetic smile before speaking again; "trust me I've been through it so many times"
You begin to wonder why this boy is here and who he is. You become intrigued to find out as much detail about him as possible.
"I'm Y/N, and how about you" you question him.
"I'm Dylan" he smiles. "It's nice to meet you, I mean I wish we could have met in a better environment but you know" he shrugs.
You chuckle at his words.
He has a nice sense of humour you think to yourself.
"Me too" you agree. "I hope I don't sound too nosey but are you spending the night like me?"
He looks at you for a while before speaking.
"Yeah, and tomorrow, and the night after and the night after that" you give him a look of confusion. "I'm basically going to spend the rest of my life here until I die"
His words shook you to the core.
Until he dies? You begin to ask yourself.
"Until you d-die?" You words came out in a clumsy mixture of stutters.
"Yep" his words came out like he had no worry in the world, like he didn't care at all.
"I was diagnosed with leukaemia when I was six, and have been in and out of hospital ever since."
You cover you mouth with your hand as your heart drops like a falling Apple.
"I'm so sorry" you shake your head.
"Don't be" he laughed back at you.
He was brave.
"By the age of 15 my leukaemia disappeared. But i was so anti social from being in the hospital all the time that I couldn't make friends so I stayed in and refused school"
"Did you ever go back to school?" You ask the brave boy next to you.
"No I didn't actually" he spoke in a manner that was so calm and peaceful that every word he spoke made your heart beat irregularly.
"Oh" you sigh, unable to think of anything to say.
Which is weird because before tons of questions danced across your mind. But now you was completely mute.
"I didn't go back because my leukaemia made another appearance"
You stare at him for a while and ask yourself;
Why does such a beautiful boy have such a tragic story.
"I'm so sorry to hear about that Dylan, I -I really am" you give him a consoling smile.
"It's not like I missed prom or anything" he laughed.
"Or missed getting my first kiss"
This boy never got to live a normal life and that broke your heart.
"I'm not having that" you get up so quickly that you forget you have just been in an accident, your head begins to blur and you stumble back onto your head.
"Take it easy mystery girl" he spoke softly.
"Mystery girl?" You question.
"Yes, you're a mystery girl, and I plan to know everything about you." He gave the cheesiest smile you have every seen. So cheesy that you burst into laughter.
And shortly after Dylan joined you.
"Anyway" you say strictly. "I'm going to give you a prom" you smile at him.
His look of confusion is enough for you to explain yourself.
"Just stand up and go along with it"
You reach out to help him up and he accepts your offer.
"Just to let you know I have no idea what to do" he laughs nervously.
You lead him to a chair and stand a few metres in front of him.
"Ladies and gentlemen" you announce.
He looks at you and shakes his head with laughter.
"I would like to announce our prom king..." You make a fake drum roll and that sends Dylan into a fit of laughter.
"DYLAN" you shout, but not to loud because you don't want to bring any attention to yourself.
"Come to the dance floor Dylan"
You make a "come to me" gesture with your hands.
"You're crazy" he states as he wanders over to you.
He is honestly one of the most beautiful people you have ever laid eyes on.
As you stand in front of each other, Dylan speaks;
"Aren't prom kings supposed to have some sort of crown?"
A crown.
You think, and quickly improvise by grabbing a plastic cup of the side and placing it on his head.
You both just laugh, no words. Just laughter.
"So are you going to be my prom queen mystery girl?"
You liked it when he called you mystery girl.
"Why yes I am, my prom king"
With that, you take his hands and wrap them around you. You begin to lead him In a Waltz.
"I can't dance" his cheeks flush a deep shade of red. "I'm a fool" he laughs.
You shake your head.
"I can't dance either" you smile.
He returns it.
"We can be fools together"
As you both twist and turn around the room, you exchange laughs and you both clumsily stumble over each other's feet.
You both stand there and look at each other for a while.
You could tell Dylan wants to speak as he begins to hesitate.
"Your beautiful" he whispers.
His words alone send a shiver down your spine, and the mixture of his words and the feeling of his hands on your body drives you insane.
You lean in close so your lips are centimetres apart.
"You're not so bad yourself" you whisper.
Before leaning in and kissing him.
Your lips brushed against his as your heads both moved in sync.
Your stomach began doing flips as you both continued to explore each other's mouths.
You lingered in the moment before parting your lips from his.
You noticed how his eyes remained closed before slowly opening and looking into yours.
"Thank you" he spoke with pure happiness, you could tell by his tone of voice.
"For what" you ask.
"For giving me a chance to actually live" you began to speak but he cut you off.
"You gave me my first prom"
You laugh.
"Well kind of prom" he smirks.
"And my first kiss"
You begin to blush and your head falls so you're looking at your feet.
Suddenly his hand creeps up to your chin and he slowly lifts your face. So your eyes are locked onto his once again.
"It was amazing, and even though I don't know you I'm glad it was with you. Mystery girl"
All those words flew around your mind.
It was like you were struck by lighting.
"You're very welcome, I-"
You was cut off by the appearance of a very irritated and confused nurse.
"Why are you both out of bed?" She angrily questioned; which made you both quickly shuffle back to your beds.
"Do you know what time it is, it's very late. You both need some rest"
"I'm sorry Sarah" you could tell he has been in hospital for a long time, because he was on a first name basis relationship with the nurse.
"Oh Dylan, what am I going to do about you, hey? Always up to mischief" she ruffled his hair as if he was a child.
But, he seemed to like it.
It must be because it reminds him of the childhood he missed out on.
As you watched the nurse leave you began to feel your eyes grow heavy with lack of sleep.
Looking over to Dylan you notice him looking at you.
"Tired huh?" He asks before yawning.
"I am, and you are too"
You both laugh.
As the laughter lingers in the air he begins to make himself comfortable before speaking.
"I indeed am mystery girl" and instantly he turns out his light and drips to sleep.
You laugh at his sudden movements before making yourself comfortable.
Before you fall asleep you turn to Dylan once more before whispering his name.
"Dylan" you call out.
"Yes Y/N"
"Tomorrow when we wake, I will tell you everything about me so I'm no longer a mystery girl, okay?"
"Aw I kind of like calling you mystery girl" he wittily remarks. "But deal"
You nod your head and the turn out your light, before entering the land of dreams.

You slowly open your eyes to the sight of the white hospital walls, your eyes begin to adjust to the change of light.
Within and instant your mind instantly floods with the memories of the night before. And before you know it you are up and out of your bed.
Confusion hits you like a truck as you see that Dylan is not in his bed. In Fact it doesn't look as if anyone had slept In it. It was brand new.
He must of been checked out, or something. You think to yourself.
That was until you notice a small note upon the sheets of the newly made bed.
Before you could grasp it you hear a loud series of sobs.
Turning around you see that it was the nurse from last night.
That's Sarah you remind yourself.
Sarah rushed past the room and you see that she is in floods of tears.
Hurrying out of the small hospital room to get her you are stopped by another nurse.
"Where do you think you are going" she bluntly questions.
"I wanted to call Sarah, but she was too quick" you bluntly reply back.
The nurse stares at you with judgment before speaking.
"She is in no state to speak right now"
Why not? You ask yourself. Even though you don't have the answer.
"Didn't you hear?" She looks at you.
"A boy that she has nursed for years passed away last night"
Oh god no
It can't be.
Your subconscious questions.
"I think he was in the bed next to you, he suffered from leukemia and last night his body couldn't handle it anymore. It was very heart breaking" her words stabbed you in the chest.
You couldn't ask any more questions because the nurse disappeared.
"Dylan" you whisper.
Running over to his bed you pick up the note and begin to read it.
It was hard as your eyes where blurred with by the waterfall of tears that had begone to fall.
You began to read the note;
Hey Y/N, it was so lovely to meet you. You're amazing. You were a real friend to me last night. You made me feel alive again, and I haven't felt that in a long time. And the kiss. That kiss you gave me was magical, I've never felt anything like that before. Im starting to feel really bad Y/N. I don't think I'm going to make it through the night. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but the reason I was in hospital tonight was because my leukaemia was at its worse. I think I am going to die tonight. But I just wanted to let you know. Im sad that I didn't get to know anything about you, however I'm glad I met you.... Mystery girl.

Dylan x

Dylan O'Brien imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن