Chapter Twenty Six: Lessons We Learn & Lessons We Pass On...

Start from the beginning

Leia: Is this what you saw for me? The one who survived? The one to bear the cost of all the hopes we'd had for something new? Or is this your sick twisted form of punishment for turning my back on you? For choosing to obey my own will and my own heart...Is that it? Is that what this is? You taking from me, so others could be free? I wish I could believe that...I've always made up my own mind about things, but now...I wonder...what is the lesson we were supposed to learn from all these years of pain, death, and dwindling hopes? What else is there for you to take? Why couldn't we be free? Why couldn't I keep my family? Why'd you take them away from me? Was it jealousy or greed? What is it?! What do you want from me? What else do I have left to give? Left to lose...

Leia/Luke: The Force runs strong in my family...Our Father has it...

Luke: I have it...And...

Leia: Your sister has it...

Leia/Luke: Our sun's set...

Ben/Rey: As Ours RISE...

Leia: Nothing stays the same forever. Nothing, except how proud I am of you, both of you. And how much I love you, Ben...Rey. I know you will be strong when the time comes and you will find your way to each other again. Just follow the Light...And it will always lead you back to each other, back home. And I hope...hope, you know I will always be with you. Look for the Force...Look for the Light...and you will always find me there. Waiting...

Poe stepped out of the Falcon perched on an outcropping over looking the village below and looked out into the desert.

Poe: Sand. Sand...Why is it always sand, Chewie? Why can't we go to Arktyss? Where the only sand you'll find is turquoise blue...leads into coral seas. It's paradise. Well, maybe not so much for you...with all the hair...but I don't think there's a place closer to heaven to tell the truth. How did Rey survive in a place like this? It's so hot...I'll never get it...Why would anyone pick a place like Jakku to live?

There was alot Poe had discovered about the world he called home and the people in it. All across the galaxy it still made him pause when he found it...the thing that makes life bearable, makes the journey with all it's pain, loss, and sorrows worth it. Hope was more than a concept or a feeling, it was the lifesblood of the Resistance, the one thing they needed now more than anything.

The Knights stood atop their canyon perch surveying the naked beauty of the desert. They pushed to the limit of their sight trying to catch the slightest whisper of something to let them know they were in the right place. As the exhaust breezed past, they had it, the Millennium Falcon. The croaking voice of the Knights broke the circle as they began to make their ways back down to their transport. The glistening white armor of the stormtroopers laying crumpled over the top of each other and riddled with blaster holes, the last man in stopped listening to the frantic mutterings across the communicator still grasped in the dead troopers hand.

Poe: But you see? We made it and ahead of schedule just like I planned. Nothing to worry about...

Chewie: huurh raaaaaahhgh uughghhhgh aaaaahnr huurh

Poe: Aw, come on Chewie. Let's keep some optimism...after one knows we're even here. Pasaana isn't exactly a system on the First Order's radar. I mean, this'll be easy peasy. In and out, make contact with Leia's man and then we're back on the ship, and back to a semi tropical climate. You know what he looks like, right?

Chewie: aarrragghuuhw awwgggghhh uugggh huurh aaahnruh wuuh

Poe: Well, he can't be that hard to spot. We'll just take a walk and I'm sure we'll find him, or he'll find us.

Chewie: raaaaaahhgh huuguughghg uuh aaaaahnr raaaaaahhgh wuuh

Leia brings the medal to her lips and kisses it gently, as she presses it to her heart she smiles weakly.

Leia: I'm not finished yet. I chose my life...I chose for myself and for the ones I loved...And I'll never be sorry for that. I lived the life I wanted...and so will they. If that means, there's a price to pay...then I'll pay it...just let them be. If it means they get to live a and happy...together away from all's worth it to me. I've learned alot of hard lessons over the years. Denying what you are and finding a way...managing to find your way in the dark alone is a hard lesson to learn. But I made it...we made it together...and so will they...and I'll be right there beside them every step of the way. I may not be a Jedi, I may not have the control or the power...but what I have is something stronger...

She looks down at the medallion in her hand, she presses it tight between her palms, and puts her lips to it whispering...Whispering...

Leia: So...if you even think of letting any harm come to them...You'll deal with understand? Let them be. Or when its my'll have me to answer to.

Finn walks into the room...he doesn't speak at first he doesn't do much, but comes to sit next to Leia puts his arm around her shoulder.

Finn: Do they ever answer you?

Leia: No...Not for a long time now...But it hasn't stopped me from trying..

Finn: They never answer when I talk to them either....

Leia: Some day they will...when you're ready...And then you won't be able to get them to shut up. You ready for this?

Finn: As I'll ever be...

Leia: Alright, but make sure you stick to the course...I don't want to have mount a search party if you don't come back...

Finn helps her to her feet and Leia places the medal under her pillow again. Then walks to the corner picks up the bag, and hands it to Finn...And then she pauses and walks over to a large silver crate at the foot of her bed. She lifts the latch and rummages around for a few seconds, and then pulls out the completed green saber hilt, the metalic emerald paint was faded but the components weren't nearly as important as what lived inside them.

Leia: Maz put the finishing touches on it last night. Go ahead see if it works...

Finn takes the hilt from her and studies the balance. Then stepping back he pushes the button to activate the saber. The deep gold tone of the blade flickers to life humming as he spins and flourishes the weapon around him tossing it in the air deftly catching it behind his back as it shuts off.

Leia: I think you're ready...Just do me one favor Finn? Try not to...

Finn: Destroy half the jungle? Yeah...I know.

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