The Date

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Mandy calms herself, standing in front of Lou's front door. She was a nervous wreck. This will be her first date in her entire life, she always pictured it to be super romantic: Holding hands, a delicious dinner up on a hill, relaxing music with a beautiful sun set. Her cheeks heaten at the thought of her and Lou. Mandy takes a deep breath in then out, before knocking onto the dark wood. The door was swiftly opened by Lou, who smiles once he views his date. Beginning to blush to see her in such an elegant dress. "Ah, my dear Mandy! You're just on time." He greets before moving to the side. Allowing Mandy into his house. As she ambles into the house, she begins to hear soft jazz music from another room. Lou jogs ahead of her and holds out his hand, "I hope you'll enjoy our meal for tonight." She smiles as he leads her to the living room. "I'm s-sure I will." Mandy says. They enter the living room for the music to become louder and clearer. Mandy's mouth forms to an 'o' in amazement of the beautiful scenery: In the middle of the room way table with 2 seat facing one another, there was plates of pork chops with spinach and cherries, in between the plates was a steel bucket with a red wine bottle inside. Along with a red rose by the side of the table.

"Wow Lou, this looks amazing!" She compliments. Lou smirks and confidently struts to one of the seat. Pulling it outward for Mandy, "Why thank you my dear Mandy." She sits on the open seat. He gently pushes her forward, then goes over to his seat. Sitting down. Mandy stares at the food, picking up her fork and knife. "Did you cook this yourself?" Mandy asks, trying to make some small talk. Lou places his hand between his legs, feeling anxious. "Well... I may of needed some help, from some professionals." He admits. Lou is known to be perfect; but cooking is one of his bad attributes. He couldn't cook a turkey to save his own life. Lou finds it embarrassing, that the doll who use to say you had to be perfect isn't. "Aw that's fine Lou! Maybe I can help you learn to cook one day." She suggests, before cutting her pork chop to chew down on it. Lou's lips curve upwards, "You'd help me?" He takes small bite of the spinach. Mandy nods before swallowing her food. "Of course. We could make some cupcakes together." She giggles, so does Lou. Finding it sweet of her. The two resume to eat their meals, hearing the sweet music play.

After they finished eating, the two began to speak about their interests. It turns out that they do have some things in common: They both enjoy classical music, reading fantasy books, certain holidays ect. To Mandy's surprise, Lou likes Marilyn Monroe; apparently he finds the lady to be amazing and adores her voice. Which Mandy agrees on. Lou swirls his wine glass around, which only had a small amount left. He chuckles, "Oh I think I had too much~" His face seemed to be a little red and Lou's eyes were half open. Mandy giggles and places the tips of her fingers on top of the glass. Gently pushing down, for Lou to lower his arm. "You've had 5 glasses Lou. You definitely had enough." She stands up, going to Lou's side for support. Lou moans in displeasure, "Aw~ But I want more~" He sounded like a whiny kid that had their toy taken away. Mandy links her arm with his, to pull him up from the chair. "No Lou, you need to go to bed. Where is your bedroom?" Mandy asks, guiding him to the stairs. Lou stumbling on the way there. "The first door to the left beautiful." Lou slurs with a smug grin. Even though Mandy knows he was just drunk; her cheeks heaten from him calling her beautiful. Mandy carefully takes her drunken friend up the stairs. Then they enters the first door.

There was a red queen sized bed, the walls were painted a light blue, alone with a large golden wardrobe: the room seemed to be from a royal place. Mandy smiles stepping over to the bed. Lou gets out of her grasps and jumps onto the bed. Laying down on his back, "God I'm tired! Wanna sleep with me?" He yawns, Mandy quickly shakes her head. "N-no thank you! Please get some sleep Lou." She smiles. Lou sits up, his mouth inches away from hers. Causing her to blush even more, "Ok Mandy dear~" He giggles, leaning upward to kiss her forehead. Before turning for his back to face her. Pretending to snore asleep. Mandy tip toes out of the room, trying her best to calm her nerves down. But Lou kissing her forehead was stuck in her mind. She heads back downstairs, turning off the music. Then leaves... however, she did leave a note behind for the blonde.

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