The Doll's Crush

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Lou yawns as he leans against the wall. Watching Nolan, who was doing small jumps in anticipation. Rather nervous. He was waiting out the portal, Lou just followed to see who this certain doll was. And to see Nolan humiliated in front of them. Now he's been waiting for hours now, bored out of his mind. He groans impatient from all the waiting. That was until someone comes out of the portal: Mandy. Lou gives a questionable look, Nolan was walking over to Mandy. Why is he going- His eyes widen, she was the doll; The doll Nolan had a crush on. "H-hey Mandy!" Nolan waves over to the girl. Getting her attention. Lou gets off the wall and gulps. He can't let him open that gift. "Oh hi Nolan! You need something?" Mandy asks. Nolan nervously chuckles, butterflies in his stomach. "N-not really I just-" He pulls out the gift from behind him. "-Here! I got you a gift." Nolan closes his eyes and smile. His cheeks going redder each second. Mandy was bug eyed looking at the gift. She wasn't use to getting such cute gifts, especially from guys. Mandy grins and rests her hand on its lid, "AW thank you Nolan." She beams, about to take off the lid until- "WAIT!" The dolls turn their head to the voice. It was Lou running over to them. Mandy pulls her hands back, not noticing that she opened the gift. Causing Lou to run even faster. "Hey Lo-" The doll couldn't finish her greeting once Lou tackles her. Landing above her. Just as the cream pie pops out of the box. The spring moves the pie up and down. 

Nolan gulps as he goes pale. Dropping the gift. Lou kneels on top of Mandy, both of them staring at the anxious doll. There was silence between the small group... Until Mandy laughs. "Ha ha ha! Wow Nolan, that's a funny joke! How did you make that?" She tilts her head smiling. The two stare at the doll, Lou was relieved that she didn't get the pie in her face. Nolan was mostly confused by the situation. The blonde coughs and stands up "I helped him of course! This doll wanted to surprise you my dear." He helps the girl up, pulling her up by her left hand. Nolan quickly nods, "Y-yeah! I thought you'd like the joke." Nolan said, going along with Lou's reasoning. Now Nolan knew he couldn't trust this doll, he was rather naive to trust him though. Especially when he was the one who ruined the blondes hair. A part which Lou loved most about him. Mandy gives him a beatific expression, causing them to blush. "Well I love it! But I was lucky that Lou saved me from the cream." She jokes, slightly nudging Lou's shoulder. Who smirks in return, "Yeah Mandy, you wouldn't mind leaving me and Nolan, to have a short chat?" He shares a glance with the blushing doll. Telling him to stay put. "Oh sure-" She glances to Nolan and waves. "-I'll see you later!" She says before running off to her house. Nolan slowly waves, enchanted by her sweet voice. "B-bye..." 

Lou rolls his eyes, placing both hand on his hips. Glaring at the doll, "So... this is the doll I presume?" Nolan pouts at Lou sarcasm. "W-why should that m-matter? It not like you love her or anything." Lou was silent, thinking for a moment. Before closing his eyes to cough in his left hand. Nolan's eyes widen, "Oh my... you do lo-" "Don't be ridiculous! I'm only her friend and I care for. I care for her enough to make sure she stays far away from dolls like you." Lou scowls, pointing at Nolan. Nolan fixes his eyes on Lou, glaring at him in anger. "I'm not the doll she should stay away from. Mandy may have helped you but I doubt she'll ever stay with you." A small gasp escapes the blonde's mouth. Frozen by the statement. Nolan may be telling the truth, Mandy could leave him. Like how everyone else did. For him to forever be alone. The brunette walks away, not bothered about the conversation. He can't let Lou take Mandy. Who knows how he'll act with her. Lou shakes the bad thoughts out of his head, noticing that Nolan has left. His growls under his breath; he can't let Nolan take Mandy. Lou won't be left alone. He won't lose another one he loves. No matter what.

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